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     1     samples.vn = want_sample_num;
     3     vector<int> nCard = GlobalFun::GetRandomCards(original.vert.size());
     4     for(int i = 0; i < samples.vn; i++) 
     5     {
     6         int index = nCard[i]; //could be not random!
     8                 if (!use_random_downsample)
     9                 {
    10                   index = i;
    11                 }
    13         CVertex& v = original.vert[index];
    14         samples.vert.push_back(v);
    15         samples.bbox.Add(v.P());
    16     }    
     1 vector<int> GlobalFun::GetRandomCards(int Max)
     2 {
     3     vector<int> nCard(Max, 0);
     4     srand(time(NULL));
     5     for(int i=0; i < Max; i++)
     6     {
     7         nCard[i] = i;
     8     }
     9     random_shuffle(nCard.begin(), nCard.begin() + Max);
    12     return nCard;
    13 }


     1 //增加仿射变换
     2         planefit fit;
     3         fit.setInputPointCloud(ptsArray);
     4         fit.extractMeanAD();
     5         Eigen::Vector3d normal = fit.getPlane().getNormal();
     6         Eigen::Vector3d center = fit.getPlane().getCenter();
     7         Eigen::Vector3d virtical = Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ();
     8         //计算叉积
     9         Eigen::Vector3d axis = normal.cross(virtical);
    10         double theta = acos(normal.dot(virtical) / normal.norm());
    11         Eigen::AngleAxisd rotation_vector(theta, axis);
    12         Eigen::Matrix3d rotation_matrix = rotation_vector.toRotationMatrix();
    13         //转换到XOY平面
    14         std::vector<POINT_REGIS> ptsRotateArray;
    15         for (int i = 0; i < ptsArray.size();i++)
    16         {
    17             POINT_REGIS pt = ptsArray[i];
    18             Eigen::Vector3d pt1(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z);
    19             Eigen::Vector3d pt2=pt1 - center;
    20             Eigen::Vector3d vpt = rotation_vector*pt2;
    21             POINT_REGIS vpt1;
    22             vpt1.x = vpt.x();
    23             vpt1.y = vpt.y();
    24             vpt1.z = vpt.z();
    25             ptsRotateArray.push_back(vpt1);
    26         }


     1 double DataMgr::getInitRadiuse()
     2 {
     3     double init_para = para->getDouble("Init Radius Para");
     4     if (!isOriginalEmpty())
     5     {
     6         Box3f box = original.bbox;
     7         if ( abs(box.min.X() - box.max.X()) < 1e-5 ||   
     8             abs(box.min.Y() - box.max.Y()) < 1e-5 ||   
     9             abs(box.min.Z() - box.max.Z()) < 1e-5 )
    10         {
    11             double diagonal_length = sqrt((box.min - box.max).SquaredNorm());
    12             double original_size = sqrt(double(original.vn));
    13             init_radius = 2 * init_para * diagonal_length / original_size;
    14         }
    15         else
    16         {
    17             double diagonal_length = sqrt((box.min - box.max).SquaredNorm());
    18             double original_size = pow(double(original.vn), 0.333);
    19             init_radius = init_para * diagonal_length / original_size;
    20         }
    21     }
    24   global_paraMgr.setGlobalParameter("CGrid Radius", DoubleValue(init_radius));
    25   global_paraMgr.setGlobalParameter("Initial Radius", DoubleValue(init_radius));
    27     return init_radius;
    28 }
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     1 if (input_->points.size() > 3)
     2         {
     3             double scale = 0.0;
     4             std::vector<double> ptScales;
     5             pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr tree(new pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZ>);
     6             tree->setInputCloud(input_);
     7             for (size_t i = 0; i < input_->points.size(); i++)
     8             {
     9                 double x = input_->points.at(i).x;
    10                 double y = input_->points.at(i).y;
    11                 std::vector<int> nn_indices;
    12                 std::vector<float> nn_dists;
    13                 const pcl::PointXYZ pt = input_->at(i);
    14                 if (tree->nearestKSearch(pt, 5, nn_indices, nn_dists) == 0)//有错误,程序无法进入
    15                 {
    16                     continue;
    17                 }
    18                 double dist = sqrt(nn_dists[1]);//sqrt(nn_dists[3]);为啥是3??
    19                 ptScales.push_back(dist);
    20                 scale += dist;
    21             }
    23             std::sort(ptScales.begin(), ptScales.end(), [](const double& lhs, const double& rhs) { return lhs < rhs; });
    24             int idxNinety = min(int(double(ptScales.size()) * 0.9), int(ptScales.size() - 1));
    25             gridSideLength = ptScales[idxNinety] * 0.75;
    26             scale = scale / input_->points.size();
    27             thLineLength = 5 * scale;//thLineLength = 8 * scale;
    28         }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yhlx125/p/15268537.html
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