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  • 每日英语:How To Survive The Windows XPiration Date

    The default background for Microsoft's Windows XP operating system -- a perfect blue sky full of cotton-candy clouds above rolling hills with impeccably trimmed grass and daffodils -- is the spring day we wish could last forever. 

    rolling hills:起伏群山         impeccably:无可挑剔地       trimmed:修整过的,平衡的        daffodils:水仙花

    And fittingly, many people wish the operating system would last just as long. Introduced in 2001, Windows XP became so successful that Microsoft extended its support for an industry record of 12 years. Yet come April 8, XP's sunny day is over. 

    At that time, Microsoft will cut off all user support and halt security updates, leaving the software vulnerable to newly discovered attacks. XP computers will still work, but the 'Bliss' background image will just be a facade. The operating system will no longer be a safe place to work or play. 

    vulnerable:易受攻击的              facade:正面,表面 

    'Our guidance is that you need to get off XP. It's really that black and white,' says Tom Murphy, Microsoft's spokesman handling the end of XP support. The company's party line is that Windows 8.1 -- the latest in Microsoft's foray into touch-friendly interfaces -- is a 'fully modern operating system.' 

    Since Windows XP first gained popularity, other alternatives have arisen. There's Windows 7, of course, and offerings from Microsoft's rivals, Apple and Google. Where is the best place for an XP refugee to go? I've been weighing each option. 

    Moving to Windows 8.1 

    If you have any doubt that Microsoft wants everyone to move to Windows 8.1, just visit amirunningxp.com. Designed to detect if users are running Windows XP, the site immediately suggests XP users upgrade to Windows 8.1 or buy a new Windows 8.1 computer. 

    Lots of computers from the age of XP can technically run the latest version of Windows. You just need a 1 GHz processor, 1 GB of RAM and 16 GB of hard drive storage. The biggest catch is your display has to have 1024 x 768 resolution. You can download the Windows Upgrade assistant to see if your system meets the requirements. 

    The Windows 8.1 upgrade DVD costs $120, and Microsoft has teamed up with a backup service called Laplink to offer a free and easy way to transfer files. 

    If you don't meet the system requirement, or view the upgrade process as a hassle, you could, of course, buy a new machine. But I am ambivalent to recommend Windows 8.1 to XP users. Microsoft revamped Windows, replacing the beloved classic desktop with a Start Screen of tiles that point to programs, files and services. You can still get to the desktop (there's a Desktop icon), but there's no Start menu in the corner. 

    hassle:困难,麻烦,争论     ambivalent:矛盾的      revamp:改进,翻新     

    Windows 8.1 is better than the original Windows 8 when it comes to the mouse and keyboard, and a forthcoming update will bring even more mouse-friendly enhancements, such as a close-window button inside apps. Ed Bott, Microsoft watcher and author of many Windows guides, says people should make the jump to 8.1, and that the next updates will make the system more similar to Windows 7. 


    Moving to Windows 7 

    Still, Windows 8.1 may be a radical change of pace for old-school Windows lovers, which is why I think Windows 7 makes a lot more sense for XP exiles. 

    Despite Microsoft's arguments that 8.1 is faster, safer and more reliable than Windows 7, everything in 7 is mostly in the same place as it was in Windows XP. You'll find the traditional desktop, the trusty Recycle Bin and the Start Menu. 

    The problem is that, in its Windows 8 push, Microsoft has made Windows 7 harder to come by. But there still are two main ways to get it. The first and best choice is to buy a Windows 7 laptop or desktop from select manufacturer websites, including Acer, Dell, Hewlett-Packard and Lenovo. They aren't featured prominently, but go digging in the business-products sections of the companies' sites and you'll find them. Microsoft and the PC makers still provide support, too. Dell's Latitude 330 and Acer's Aspire V3 are both good choices under $700. 


    If you don't want to buy new hardware, things get trickier. Microsoft doesn't sell box copies of Windows 7 anymore. And if you buy the $99.99 version sold by online computer suppliers like Newegg, you don't get Microsoft support. You will get security updates until 2020, however. 

    Moving to a Non-Microsoft Camp 

    Of course, there are other places to go if you venture outside of the world of Microsoft. 

    If you're willing to spend more money than the average Windows PC, there are Apple's Mac computers, which run OS X. That system will take some learning, but once you get the hang of it, it has a ton of great features. Apple also offers free classes for new Mac users at its stores. 

    Chromebooks tend to be cheap since they just run Google's browser. If you just need email and the Web, Acer's C720 Chromebook is plenty powerful -- and only costs $200. 

    For the extreme computer literate, there are Linux options like Ubuntu, which run fine on older Windows XP computers. However, installing Linux requires patience and many popular programs won't work there. 

    You're best bet is to buy a Windows 7 computer. Whatever path you do choose, don't be sad: You can always bring that perfect spring day wallpaper with you. 

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yingying0907/p/3630954.html
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