Cocos2d-x is an open-source mobile 2D game framework, released under MIT License. It is a C++ version of cocos2d-iphone project. Our focus for cocos2d-x development is around making cocos2d cross platforms. On top of the framework provided by cocos2d-x, mobile games can be written in C++, Lua or JavaScript, using API that is COMPLETELY COMPATIBLE with that of cocos2d-iphone. Cocos2d-x project can easily be built and run on iOS, Android, Samsung Bada, BlackBerry Qnx, Marmalde etc. Cocos2d-x also supports Windows and Linux, therefore we can debug source code easily and write editors on desktop operating systems. "X" means CROSS, The goal of this open-source project is to allow its users to create cross-platform code.”