1,class int(object):
int(x=0) -> integer
int(x, base=10) -> integer
Convert a number or string to an integer, or return 0 if no arguments
are given. If x is a number, return x.__int__(). For floating point
numbers, this truncates towards zero.
If x is not a number or if base is given, then x must be a string,
bytes, or bytearray instance representing an integer literal in the
given base. The literal can be preceded by '+' or '-' and be surrounded
by whitespace. The base defaults to 10. Valid bases are 0 and 2-36.
Base 0 means to interpret the base from the string as an integer literal.
>>> int('0b100', base=0)
2,class float(object):
float(x) -> floating point number
Convert a string or number to a floating point number, if possible.
3,class bool(int):
bool(x) -> bool
Returns True when the argument x is true, False otherwise.
The builtins True and False are the only two instances of the class bool.
The class bool is a subclass of the class int, and cannot be subclassed.
4,class enumerate(object):
enumerate(iterable[, start]) -> iterator for index, value of iterable
Return an enumerate object. iterable must be another object that supports
iteration. The enumerate object yields pairs containing a count (from
start, which defaults to zero) and a value yielded by the iterable argument.
enumerate is useful for obtaining an indexed list:
(0, seq[0]), (1, seq[1]), (2, seq[2]), ...
for example:
l =[5,9,8,4,5,6,2,1]
for index ,val in enumerate(l):
5,class zip(object):
zip(iter1 [,iter2 [...]]) --> zip object
Return a zip object whose .__next__() method returns a tuple where
the i-th element comes from the i-th iterable argument. The .__next__()
method continues until the shortest iterable in the argument sequence
is exhausted and then it raises StopIteration.
a = [1,2,3]
b = [4,5,6]
c = [7,8,9]
d = zip(a,b,c)
print(d) #<zip object at 0x0000025FEA07A848>
# print(list(d)) #[(1, 4, 7), (2, 5, 8), (3, 6, 9)]
方法一:给lambda 赋值,改变list.sort() 排序依据。
d ={"tom":18,"jane":19,"jack":10}
# 可以用lambda 排序
l = list(d.items())
l.sort(key=lambda x:x[1])
#利用zip 对字典按值排序
d ={"tom":18,"jane":19,"jack":10}
d_zipped = zip(d.values(),d.keys())
l = list(d_zipped)
########### l.sort(,key = ,reversed=)
而sorted(iterable,key = ,reversed=) ,sorted() 和l.sort() 的区别是sorted() 不改变原来列表,而l.sort() 改变原列表!
一般我们是要保留原始数据的,所以还是采用sorted() 吧!
d ={"tom":18,"jane":19,"jack":10}
l= list(d.items())
l_new = sorted(l,key=lambda x:x[1])
d ={"tom":18,"jane":19,"jack":10}
#sorted给key 排序,但是排序依据被我们修改为d[k]
d = sorted(d,key=lambda k:d[k]) #返回一个列表
但是缺点是 val 取不出来,前两种都可以直接得到val
6,class reversed(object):
reversed(sequence) -> reverse iterator over values of the sequence
Return a reverse iterator #得到一个逆序迭代器!
l = [1,5,6,9,8]
l_new = reversed(l)
print(l_new.__next__()) #8
#l.reverse() 是改变原数据的
7,class slice(object):
slice(start, stop[, step])
Create a slice object. This is used for extended slicing (e.g. a[0:10:2]).
l = [1,2,5,3,6,5,8,7,8,9,10]
a = slice(3,5)
print(l[a]) #[3, 6]
print(a.start) #3
print(a.stop) #5
print(a.step) #None
,class complex(object):
complex(real[, imag]) -> complex number
Create a complex number from a real part and an optional imaginary part.
This is equivalent to (real + imag*1j) where imag defaults to 0.
复数由实数与虚数构成,是数的概念扩展,在数值的后面加 'J' 或 'j' 进行定义,不常用
class object:
""" The most base type """
class BaseException(object):
""" Common base class for all exceptions """
class Exception(BaseException):
""" Common base class for all non-exit exceptions. """
class ArithmeticError(Exception): #算术错误
""" Base class for arithmetic errors. """
class AssertionError(Exception):
""" Assertion failed. """
class AttributeError(Exception):
""" Attribute not found. """
class WindowsError(Exception):
""" Base class for I/O related errors. """
OSError = WindowsError
IOError = WindowsError
EnvironmentError = WindowsError
class BlockingIOError(OSError):
""" I/O operation would block. """
class int(object):
int(x=0) -> integer
int(x, base=10) -> integer
Convert a number or string to an integer, or return 0 if no arguments
are given. If x is a number, return x.__int__(). For floating point
numbers, this truncates towards zero.
If x is not a number or if base is given, then x must be a string,
bytes, or bytearray instance representing an integer literal in the
given base. The literal can be preceded by '+' or '-' and be surrounded
by whitespace. The base defaults to 10. Valid bases are 0 and 2-36.
Base 0 means to interpret the base from the string as an integer literal.
>>> int('0b100', base=0)
class bool(int):
bool(x) -> bool
Returns True when the argument x is true, False otherwise.
The builtins True and False are the only two instances of the class bool.
The class bool is a subclass of the class int, and cannot be subclassed.
class ConnectionError(OSError):
""" Connection error. """
class BrokenPipeError(ConnectionError):
""" Broken pipe. """
class BufferError(Exception):
""" Buffer error. """
class bytearray(object): #字节数组
bytearray() 方法返回一个新字节数组。这个数组里的元素是可变的,并且每个元素的值范围: 0 <= x < 256。
bytearray(iterable_of_ints) -> bytearray
bytearray(string, encoding[, errors]) -> bytearray
bytearray(bytes_or_buffer) -> mutable copy of bytes_or_buffer
bytearray(int) -> bytes array of size given by the parameter initialized with null bytes
bytearray() -> empty bytes array
Construct a mutable bytearray object from:
- an iterable yielding integers in range(256)
- a text string encoded using the specified encoding
- a bytes or a buffer object
- any object implementing the buffer API.
- an integer
>>>bytearray() bytearray(b'')
>>> bytearray([1,2,3]) bytearray(b'x01x02x03')
>>> bytearray('runoob', 'utf-8') bytearray(b'runoob')
class bytes(object):
bytes(iterable_of_ints) -> bytes
bytes(string, encoding[, errors]) -> bytes
bytes(bytes_or_buffer) -> immutable copy of bytes_or_buffer
bytes(int) -> bytes object of size given by the parameter initialized with null bytes
bytes() -> empty bytes object
Construct an immutable array of bytes from:
- an iterable yielding integers in range(256)
- a text string encoded using the specified encoding
- any object implementing the buffer API.
- an integer
class Warning(Exception):
""" Base class for warning categories. """
class BytesWarning(Warning):
Base class for warnings about bytes and buffer related problems, mostly
related to conversion from str or comparing to str.
class ChildProcessError(OSError):
""" Child process error. """
class classmethod(object):
classmethod(function) -> method
Convert a function to be a class method.
A class method receives the class as implicit first argument,
just like an instance method receives the instance.
To declare a class method, use this idiom:
class C:
def f(cls, arg1, arg2, ...): ...
f = classmethod(f)
It can be called either on the class (e.g. C.f()) or on an instance
(e.g. C().f()). The instance is ignored except for its class.
If a class method is called for a derived class, the derived class
object is passed as the implied first argument.
Class methods are different than C++ or Java static methods.
If you want those, see the staticmethod builtin.
class complex(object):
complex(real[, imag]) -> complex number
Create a complex number from a real part and an optional imaginary part.
This is equivalent to (real + imag*1j) where imag defaults to 0.
class ConnectionAbortedError(ConnectionError):
""" Connection aborted. """
class ConnectionRefusedError(ConnectionError):
""" Connection refused. """
class ConnectionResetError(ConnectionError):
""" Connection reset. """
class DeprecationWarning(Warning):
""" Base class for warnings about deprecated features. """
class dict(object):
dict() -> new empty dictionary
dict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object's
(key, value) pairs
dict(iterable) -> new dictionary initialized as if via:
d = {}
for k, v in iterable:
d[k] = v
dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairs
in the keyword argument list. For example: dict(one=1, two=2)
class enumerate(object):
enumerate(iterable[, start]) -> iterator for index, value of iterable
Return an enumerate object. iterable must be another object that supports
iteration. The enumerate object yields pairs containing a count (from
start, which defaults to zero) and a value yielded by the iterable argument.
enumerate is useful for obtaining an indexed list:
(0, seq[0]), (1, seq[1]), (2, seq[2]), ...
class EOFError(Exception):
""" Read beyond end of file. """
class FileExistsError(OSError):
""" File already exists. """
class FileNotFoundError(OSError):
""" File not found. """
class filter(object):
filter(function or None, iterable) --> filter object
Return an iterator yielding those items of iterable for which function(item)
is true. If function is None, return the items that are true.
class float(object):
float(x) -> floating point number
Convert a string or number to a floating point number, if possible.
class FloatingPointError(ArithmeticError):
""" Floating point operation failed. """
class frozenset(object):
frozenset() -> empty frozenset object
frozenset(iterable) -> frozenset object
Build an immutable unordered collection of unique elements.
class FutureWarning(Warning):
Base class for warnings about constructs that will change semantically
in the future.
class GeneratorExit(BaseException):
""" Request that a generator exit. """
class ImportError(Exception):
""" Import can't find module, or can't find name in module. """
class ImportWarning(Warning):
""" Base class for warnings about probable mistakes in module imports """
class SyntaxError(Exception): # 语法错误
""" Invalid syntax. """
class IndentationError(SyntaxError): #缩进错误
""" Improper indentation. """
class LookupError(Exception):
""" Base class for lookup errors. """
class IndexError(LookupError):
""" Sequence index out of range. """
class InterruptedError(OSError):
""" Interrupted by signal. """
class IsADirectoryError(OSError):
""" Operation doesn't work on directories. """
class KeyboardInterrupt(BaseException):
""" Program interrupted by user. """
class KeyError(LookupError):
""" Mapping key not found. """
class list(object):
list() -> new empty list
list(iterable) -> new list initialized from iterable's items
class map(object):
map(func, *iterables) --> map object
Make an iterator that computes the function using arguments from
each of the iterables. Stops when the shortest iterable is exhausted.
class MemoryError(Exception):
""" Out of memory. """
class memoryview(object):
""" Create a new memoryview object which references the given object. """
class NameError(Exception):
""" Name not found globally. """
class NotADirectoryError(OSError):
""" Operation only works on directories. """
class RuntimeError(Exception):
""" Unspecified run-time error. """
class NotImplementedError(RuntimeError):
""" Method or function hasn't been implemented yet. """
class OverflowError(ArithmeticError):
""" Result too large to be represented. """
class PendingDeprecationWarning(Warning):
Base class for warnings about features which will be deprecated
in the future.
class PermissionError(OSError):
""" Not enough permissions. """
class ProcessLookupError(OSError):
""" Process not found. """
class property(object):
property(fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None) -> property attribute
fget is a function to be used for getting an attribute value, and likewise
fset is a function for setting, and fdel a function for del'ing, an
attribute. Typical use is to define a managed attribute x:
class C(object):
def getx(self): return self._x
def setx(self, value): self._x = value
def delx(self): del self._x
x = property(getx, setx, delx, "I'm the 'x' property.")
Decorators make defining new properties or modifying existing ones easy:
class C(object):
def x(self):
"I am the 'x' property."
return self._x
def x(self, value):
self._x = value
def x(self):
del self._x
class range(object):
range(stop) -> range object
range(start, stop[, step]) -> range object
Return an object that produces a sequence of integers from start (inclusive)
to stop (exclusive) by step. range(i, j) produces i, i+1, i+2, ..., j-1.
start defaults to 0, and stop is omitted! range(4) produces 0, 1, 2, 3.
These are exactly the valid indices for a list of 4 elements.
When step is given, it specifies the increment (or decrement).
class RecursionError(RuntimeError):
""" Recursion limit exceeded. """
class ReferenceError(Exception):
""" Weak ref proxy used after referent went away. """
class ResourceWarning(Warning):
""" Base class for warnings about resource usage. """
class reversed(object):
reversed(sequence) -> reverse iterator over values of the sequence
Return a reverse iterator
class RuntimeWarning(Warning):
""" Base class for warnings about dubious runtime behavior. """
class set(object):
set() -> new empty set object
set(iterable) -> new set object
Build an unordered collection of unique elements.
class slice(object):
slice(start, stop[, step])
Create a slice object. This is used for extended slicing (e.g. a[0:10:2]).
class staticmethod(object):
staticmethod(function) -> method
Convert a function to be a static method.
A static method does not receive an implicit first argument.
To declare a static method, use this idiom:
class C:
def f(arg1, arg2, ...): ...
f = staticmethod(f)
It can be called either on the class (e.g. C.f()) or on an instance
(e.g. C().f()). The instance is ignored except for its class.
Static methods in Python are similar to those found in Java or C++.
For a more advanced concept, see the classmethod builtin.
class StopAsyncIteration(Exception):
""" Signal the end from iterator.__anext__(). """
class StopIteration(Exception):
""" Signal the end from iterator.__next__(). """
class str(object):
str(object='') -> str
str(bytes_or_buffer[, encoding[, errors]]) -> str
Create a new string object from the given object. If encoding or
errors is specified, then the object must expose a data buffer
that will be decoded using the given encoding and error handler.
Otherwise, returns the result of object.__str__() (if defined)
or repr(object).
encoding defaults to sys.getdefaultencoding().
errors defaults to 'strict'.
class super(object):
super() -> same as super(__class__, <first argument>)
super(type) -> unbound super object
super(type, obj) -> bound super object; requires isinstance(obj, type)
super(type, type2) -> bound super object; requires issubclass(type2, type)
Typical use to call a cooperative superclass method:
class C(B):
def meth(self, arg):
This works for class methods too:
class C(B):
def cmeth(cls, arg):
class SyntaxWarning(Warning):
""" Base class for warnings about dubious syntax. """
class SystemError(Exception):
Internal error in the Python interpreter.
Please report this to the Python maintainer, along with the traceback,
the Python version, and the hardware/OS platform and version.
class SystemExit(BaseException):
""" Request to exit from the interpreter. """
class TabError(IndentationError):
""" Improper mixture of spaces and tabs. """
class TimeoutError(OSError):
""" Timeout expired. """
class tuple(object):
tuple() -> empty tuple
tuple(iterable) -> tuple initialized from iterable's items
If the argument is a tuple, the return value is the same object.
class type(object):
type(object_or_name, bases, dict)
type(object) -> the object's type
type(name, bases, dict) -> a new type
class TypeError(Exception):
""" Inappropriate argument type. """
class UnboundLocalError(NameError):
""" Local name referenced but not bound to a value. """
class ValueError(Exception):
""" Inappropriate argument value (of correct type). """
class UnicodeError(ValueError):
""" Unicode related error. """
class UnicodeDecodeError(UnicodeError): #解码
""" Unicode decoding error. """
class UnicodeEncodeError(UnicodeError): #编码
""" Unicode encoding error. """
class UnicodeTranslateError(UnicodeError):
""" Unicode translation error. """
class UnicodeWarning(Warning):
Base class for warnings about Unicode related problems, mostly
related to conversion problems.
class UserWarning(Warning):
""" Base class for warnings generated by user code. """
class ZeroDivisionError(ArithmeticError):
""" Second argument to a division or modulo operation was zero. """
class zip(object):
zip(iter1 [,iter2 [...]]) --> zip object
Return a zip object whose .__next__() method returns a tuple where
the i-th element comes from the i-th iterable argument. The .__next__()
method continues until the shortest iterable in the argument sequence
is exhausted and then it raises StopIteration.
class __loader__(object):
Meta path import for built-in modules.
All methods are either class or static methods to avoid the need to
instantiate the class.
1), 重要的三个:map() ,reduce() ,filter()
#map() 对每个元素都计算
#内置函数map () 我们先看下面的程序
# def func(arr):
# ret = []
# for i in arr:
# ret.append(i**2)
# return ret
# ret = func([1,2,3,5,4,7])
# print(ret)
#此时如果突然想改变逻辑,i + 1 然后再添加到ret 中,只能重新写了,这样不好
# def abstract_func(func,arr):
# ret = []
# for i in arr:
# ret.append(func(i)) #将i 进行相应的运算之后加到ret
# return ret
# def square(i):
# return i**2
# l = [1,4,6,5,4,2,3,5]
# ret = abstract_func(square,l)
# print(ret)
# #此时如果想换逻辑运算,比如加1
# def add_one(i):
# return i+1
# ret = abstract_func(add_one,l)
# print(ret)
l = [1,4,6,5,4,2,3,5]
def abstract_func(func,arr):
ret = []
for i in arr:
return ret
ret = abstract_func(lambda x:x**2,l)
# print(ret)
ret = abstract_func(lambda x:x+1,l)
# print(ret)
#这就更加完美了,perfect !
#内置函数 map()
ret = map(lambda x:x+1,l) #当然第一个参数,传的不是匿名函数也是可以的, 第二个参数是可迭代对象
# print(ret) #map 的内部会做循环的。 <map object at 0x0000021911F5B2E8>
# print(list(ret)) #将map 对象变为列表 [2, 5, 7, 6, 5, 3, 4, 6]
ls_name = ["tom_sb","jack_sb","jane_sb","sb_richel"]
# def func(list):
# ret = []
# for name in list:
# if name.endswith("sb"):
# ret.append(name)
# return ret
# ret = func(ls_name)
# print(ret)
#输出:['tom_sb', 'jack_sb', 'jane_sb']
#此时如果想看谁是以sb 开头的,所以不太好
def abstract_func(func,list):
ret = []
for name in list:
if func(name):
return ret
def end_sb(name):
return name.endswith("sb")
ret = abstract_func(end_sb,ls_name)
# print(ret) #['tom_sb', 'jack_sb', 'jane_sb']
def start_sb(name):
return name.startswith("sb")
ret = abstract_func(start_sb,ls_name)
# print(ret) #['sb_richel']
ret = abstract_func(lambda x:x.startswith("sb"),ls_name)
# print(ret) #['sb_richel']
ret = abstract_func(lambda x:x.endswith("sb"),ls_name)
# print(ret) #['tom_sb', 'jack_sb', 'jane_sb']
#终于可以引出内置函数filter() 了
ret= filter(lambda x:x.startswith("sb"),ls_name)
# print(ret) #<filter object at 0x000001C21F64B2E8>
# print(list(ret)) #['sb_richel']
ret = filter(lambda x:x.endswith("sb"),ls_name)
# print(list(ret)) #['tom_sb', 'jack_sb', 'jane_sb']
ls = [1,5,56,8,7,8,9,4,2,1,4]
# def func(arr):
# res = 0
# for num in arr:
# res +=num
# return res
# ret = func(ls)
# print(ret) #105
# def abstract_func(func,arr):
# res = 1
# for num in arr:
# res = func(res,num)
# return res
#但是res = 1 就写死了
# 改进:
def abstract_func(func,arr):
pop_num = arr.pop(0) #将第一个弹出来,并赋值给res
res = pop_num
for num in arr:
res = func(res,num)
arr.insert(0,pop_num) #恢复数据,不能随意修改原始数据
return res
# ret = abstract_func(lambda x,y:x+y,ls) #累加
#print(ret) #105
# ret = abstract_func(lambda x,y:x*y,ls) #累乘
# print(ret) #36126720
def abstract_func(func,arr,init_val = None):
if init_val != None:
res = init_val
pop_num = arr.pop(0)
res = pop_num #将第一个弹出来,并赋值给res
for num in arr:
res = func(res,num)
if init_val == None:
return res
ret = abstract_func(lambda x,y:x+y,ls)
print(ret) #105
#其实这就是reduce() 函数
from functools import reduce
ret = reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,ls)
print(ret) #105
ret = reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,ls,100)
print(ret) #205
#这就是map reduce 和 filter 三个重要的内置函数 注:reduce在python3 中要引入.引入方法是from functools import reduce
abs(x, /):
Return the absolute value of the argument.
all(iterable, /):
Return True if bool(x) is True for all values x in the iterable。
If the iterable is empty, return True
print(all([1,2,3])) #True
print(all([0,1,2])) #False
any(iterable, /):
Return True if bool(x) is True for any x in the iterable.
If the iterable is empty, return False.
ascii(obj, /):
Return an ASCII-only representation of an object.
ascii() 函数类似 repr() 函数, 返回一个表示对象的字符串,
但是对于字符串中的非 ASCII 字符则返回通过 repr() 函数使用 x, u 或 U 编码的字符。
As repr(), return a string containing a printable representation of an
object, but escape the non-ASCII characters in the string returned by
repr() using \x, \u or \U escapes. This generates a string similar
to that returned by repr() in Python 2.
bin(number, /):
Return the binary representation of an integer.
>>> bin(2796202)
callable(obj, /):
Return whether the object is callable (i.e., some kind of function).
Note that classes are callable, as are instances of classes with a
__call__() method.
chr(i, /):
""" Return a Unicode string of one character with ordinal i; 0 <= i <= 0x10ffff. """
compile(source, filename, mode, flags=0, dont_inherit=False, optimize=-1)
Compile source into a code object that can be executed by exec() or eval().
eval_code = compile("1+5","",'eval')
a = eval(eval_code)
print(a) #6
exec_code = compile("for i in range(10): print(i)","","exec")
exec(exec_code)#这个不能用eval ,用exec可以 #0123456789
delattr(obj, name, /):
Deletes the named attribute from the given object.
delattr(x, 'y') is equivalent to ``del x.y''
dir(...): ->[]
dir() 函数不带参数时,返回当前范围内的变量、方法和定义的类型列表;
>>>dir() # 获得当前模块的属性列表 ['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__', '__package__', 'arr', 'myslice']
>>> dir([ ]) # 查看列表的方法 ['__add__', '__class__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', '__delitem__', '__delslice__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__getslice__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__iadd__', '__imul__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__le__', '__len__', '__lt__', '__mul__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__reversed__', '__rmul__', '__setattr__', '__setitem__', '__setslice__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', 'append', 'count', 'extend', 'index', 'insert', 'pop', 'remove', 'reverse', 'sort']
divmod(x, y):
""" Return the tuple (x//y, x%y).
return (0, 0)
eval(source, globals=None, locals=None, /):
Evaluate the given source in the context of globals and locals.
The source may be a string representing a Python expression
or a code object as returned by compile().
exec(source, globals=None, locals=None, /):
Execute the given source in the context of globals and locals.
The source may be a string representing one or more Python statements
or a code object as returned by compile().
format(value, format_spec='', /):
其实本函数调用时,是把format(value, format_spec)的方式转换为type(value).__format__(format_spec)方式来调用,
print(format('helloworld', '<20'))
print(format('helloworld', '>20'))
print(format('helloworld', '^20'))
s = "{:^20}".format("helloworld")
getattr(object, name, default=None):
getattr(object, name[, default]) -> value
Return the dictionary containing the current scope's global variables.
NOTE: Updates to this dictionary *will* affect name lookups in the current
global scope and vice-versa.
hasattr(obj, name, /):
Return whether the object has an attribute with the given name.
hash(obj, /):
Return the hash value for the given object.
Define the builtin 'help'.
This is a wrapper around pydoc.help that provides a helpful message
when 'help' is typed at the Python interactive prompt.
Calling help() at the Python prompt starts an interactive help session.
Calling help(thing) prints help for the python object 'thing'.
hex(number, /):
Return the hexadecimal representation of an integer.
>>> hex(12648430)
id(obj, /):
Return the identity of an object.
This is guaranteed to be unique among simultaneously existing objects.
(CPython uses the object's memory address.)
input(prompt=None, /)
Read a string from standard input. The trailing newline is stripped.
The prompt string, if given, is printed to standard output without a
trailing newline before reading input.
If the user hits EOF (*nix: Ctrl-D, Windows: Ctrl-Z+Return), raise EOFError.
On *nix systems, readline is used if available.
isinstance(obj, class_or_tuple, /)
Return whether an object is an instance of a class or of a subclass thereof.
A tuple, as in ``isinstance(x, (A, B, ...))``, may be given as the target to
check against. This is equivalent to ``isinstance(x, A) or isinstance(x, B)
or ...`` etc.
issubclass(cls, class_or_tuple, /)
Return whether 'cls' is a derived from another class or is the same class.
A tuple, as in ``issubclass(x, (A, B, ...))``, may be given as the target to
check against. This is equivalent to ``issubclass(x, A) or issubclass(x, B)
or ...`` etc.
iter(iterable) -> iterator
iter(callable, sentinel) -> iterator
Get an iterator from an object. In the first form, the argument must
supply its own iterator, or be a sequence.
In the second form, the callable is called until it returns the sentinel.
len(obj, /)
Return the number of items in a container.
Return a dictionary containing the current scope's local variables.
NOTE: Whether or not updates to this dictionary will affect name lookups in
the local scope and vice-versa is *implementation dependent* and not
covered by any backwards compatibility guarantees.
max(iterable, *[, default=obj, key=func]) -> value
max(arg1, arg2, *args, *[, key=func]) -> value
With a single iterable argument, return its biggest item. The
default keyword-only argument specifies an object to return if
the provided iterable is empty.
With two or more arguments, return the largest argument.
min(iterable, *[, default=obj, key=func]) -> value
min(arg1, arg2, *args, *[, key=func]) -> value
With a single iterable argument, return its smallest item. The
default keyword-only argument specifies an object to return if
the provided iterable is empty.
With two or more arguments, return the smallest argument.
next(iterator[, default])
Return the next item from the iterator. If default is given and the iterator
is exhausted, it is returned instead of raising StopIteration.
With two or more arguments, return the smallest argument.
oct(number, /):
Return the octal representation of an integer.
>>> oct(342391)
open(file, mode='r', buffering=None, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, closefd=True):
Open file and return a stream. Raise IOError upon failure.
file is either a text or byte string giving the name (and the path
if the file isn't in the current working directory) of the file to
be opened or an integer file descriptor of the file to be
wrapped. (If a file descriptor is given, it is closed when the
returned I/O object is closed, unless closefd is set to False.)
mode is an optional string that specifies the mode in which the file
is opened. It defaults to 'r' which means open for reading in text
mode. Other common values are 'w' for writing (truncating the file if
it already exists), 'x' for creating and writing to a new file, and
'a' for appending (which on some Unix systems, means that all writes
append to the end of the file regardless of the current seek position).
In text mode, if encoding is not specified the encoding used is platform
dependent: locale.getpreferredencoding(False) is called to get the
current locale encoding. (For reading and writing raw bytes use binary
mode and leave encoding unspecified.) The available modes are:
========= ===============================================================
Character Meaning
--------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
'r' open for reading (default)
'w' open for writing, truncating the file first
'x' create a new file and open it for writing
'a' open for writing, appending to the end of the file if it exists
'b' binary mode
't' text mode (default)
'+' open a disk file for updating (reading and writing)
'U' universal newline mode (deprecated)
========= ===============================================================
The default mode is 'rt' (open for reading text). For binary random
access, the mode 'w+b' opens and truncates the file to 0 bytes, while
'r+b' opens the file without truncation. The 'x' mode implies 'w' and
raises an `FileExistsError` if the file already exists.
Python distinguishes between files opened in binary and text modes,
even when the underlying operating system doesn't. Files opened in
binary mode (appending 'b' to the mode argument) return contents as
bytes objects without any decoding. In text mode (the default, or when
't' is appended to the mode argument), the contents of the file are
returned as strings, the bytes having been first decoded using a
platform-dependent encoding or using the specified encoding if given.
'U' mode is deprecated and will raise an exception in future versions
of Python. It has no effect in Python 3. Use newline to control
universal newlines mode.
buffering is an optional integer used to set the buffering policy.
Pass 0 to switch buffering off (only allowed in binary mode), 1 to select
line buffering (only usable in text mode), and an integer > 1 to indicate
the size of a fixed-size chunk buffer. When no buffering argument is
given, the default buffering policy works as follows:
* Binary files are buffered in fixed-size chunks; the size of the buffer
is chosen using a heuristic trying to determine the underlying device's
"block size" and falling back on `io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE`.
On many systems, the buffer will typically be 4096 or 8192 bytes long.
* "Interactive" text files (files for which isatty() returns True)
use line buffering. Other text files use the policy described above
for binary files.
encoding is the name of the encoding used to decode or encode the
file. This should only be used in text mode. The default encoding is
platform dependent, but any encoding supported by Python can be
passed. See the codecs module for the list of supported encodings.
errors is an optional string that specifies how encoding errors are to
be handled---this argument should not be used in binary mode. Pass
'strict' to raise a ValueError exception if there is an encoding error
(the default of None has the same effect), or pass 'ignore' to ignore
errors. (Note that ignoring encoding errors can lead to data loss.)
See the documentation for codecs.register or run 'help(codecs.Codec)'
for a list of the permitted encoding error strings.
newline controls how universal newlines works (it only applies to text
mode). It can be None, '', ' ', ' ', and ' '. It works as
* On input, if newline is None, universal newlines mode is
enabled. Lines in the input can end in ' ', ' ', or ' ', and
these are translated into ' ' before being returned to the
caller. If it is '', universal newline mode is enabled, but line
endings are returned to the caller untranslated. If it has any of
the other legal values, input lines are only terminated by the given
string, and the line ending is returned to the caller untranslated.
* On output, if newline is None, any ' ' characters written are
translated to the system default line separator, os.linesep. If
newline is '' or ' ', no translation takes place. If newline is any
of the other legal values, any ' ' characters written are translated
to the given string.
If closefd is False, the underlying file descriptor will be kept open
when the file is closed. This does not work when a file name is given
and must be True in that case.
A custom opener can be used by passing a callable as *opener*. The
underlying file descriptor for the file object is then obtained by
calling *opener* with (*file*, *flags*). *opener* must return an open
file descriptor (passing os.open as *opener* results in functionality
similar to passing None).
open() returns a file object whose type depends on the mode, and
through which the standard file operations such as reading and writing
are performed. When open() is used to open a file in a text mode ('w',
'r', 'wt', 'rt', etc.), it returns a TextIOWrapper. When used to open
a file in a binary mode, the returned class varies: in read binary
mode, it returns a BufferedReader; in write binary and append binary
modes, it returns a BufferedWriter, and in read/write mode, it returns
a BufferedRandom.
It is also possible to use a string or bytearray as a file for both
reading and writing. For strings StringIO can be used like a file
opened in a text mode, and for bytes a BytesIO can be used like a file
opened in a binary mode.
ord(c, /):
""" Return the Unicode code point for a one-character string. """
pow(x, y, z=None, /):
Equivalent to x**y (with two arguments) or x**y % z (with three arguments)
Some types, such as ints, are able to use a more efficient algorithm when
invoked using the three argument form.
print(*args, sep=' ', end=' ', file=None):
print(value, ..., sep=' ', end=' ', file=sys.stdout, flush=False)
Prints the values to a stream, or to sys.stdout by default.
Optional keyword arguments:
file: a file-like object (stream); defaults to the current sys.stdout.
sep: string inserted between values, default a space.
end: string appended after the last value, default a newline.
flush: whether to forcibly flush the stream.
repr() 函数将对象转化为供解释器读取的形式。返回一个对象的 string 格式。
Return the canonical string representation of the object.
For many object types, including most builtins, eval(repr(obj)) == obj.
>>>s = 'RUNOOB'
>>> repr(s) "'RUNOOB'"
>>> dict = {'runoob': 'runoob.com', 'google': 'google.com'};
>>> repr(dict) "{'google': 'google.com', 'runoob': 'runoob.com'}"
round(number, ndigits=None):
round(number[, ndigits]) -> number
Round a number to a given precision in decimal digits (default 0 digits).
This returns an int when called with one argument, otherwise the
same type as the number. ndigits may be negative.
setattr(obj, name, value, /)
Sets the named attribute on the given object to the specified value.
setattr(x, 'y', v) is equivalent to ``x.y = v''
sorted(iterable, key=None, reverse=False):
Return a new list containing all items from the iterable in ascending order.
A custom key function can be supplied to customise the sort order, and the
reverse flag can be set to request the result in descending order.
sum(iterable, start=0, /)
Return the sum of a 'start' value (default: 0) plus an iterable of numbers
When the iterable is empty, return the start value.
This function is intended specifically for use with numeric values and may
reject non-numeric types.
vars([object]) -> dictionary
Without arguments, equivalent to locals().
With an argument, equivalent to object.__dict__.
__import__(name, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=(), level=0):
__import__(name, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=(), level=0) -> module
Import a module. Because this function is meant for use by the Python
interpreter and not for general use it is better to use
importlib.import_module() to programmatically import a module.
The globals argument is only used to determine the context;
they are not modified. The locals argument is unused. The fromlist
should be a list of names to emulate ``from name import ...'', or an
empty list to emulate ``import name''.
When importing a module from a package, note that __import__('A.B', ...)
returns package A when fromlist is empty, but its submodule B when
fromlist is not empty. Level is used to determine whether to perform
absolute or relative imports. 0 is absolute while a positive number
is the number of parent directories to search relative to the current module.