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  • 【托业】【新东方托业全真模拟】TEST07~08-----P5~6

    unless ---conj;barring(除非,不包括)perp+名词短语

    be capable of doing 有能力做某事


    commensurate with 与……相应的 eg.Advance Personnel guarantees salary and conditions commensurate with your skkills and professionalism.(推进人员公司保证,您的工资和其他待遇与您的个人能力和专业水平是相称的。)

    renew (使)更新;使恢复;续借,react做出反应,eg.The building management has introduced guidelines aimed at streamlining the process of renewing existing leases.(大楼管理处推行了旨在简化现有出租续约流程的指导方针。)

    some of the n.(这里的the必须加)

    address 向……讲;解决;地址

    meagerly  ['mi:gəlɪ] 不足地;瘦地;贫弱地

    tax revenue  税收;收入

    compile 编撰,编写

    be designed to do sth 旨在做某事

    in one's defense 为某人辩护;at a special press conference 在特别新闻发布会

    retrieve from 从……中取回/挽回

    suppress 镇压;制止;抑制

    lag on 拖沓;滞后于

    hook up with 与……搭档工作;与……有联系

    most 表示“大部分”时,前面不需要加定冠词the

    handset 手机;电话听筒;textbook 教科书;课本

    hardly ever 几乎从不;nearly 几乎,差不多;barely 几乎不

    be intended for 为……准备,打算为……使用

    inclusion 包含;内含物

    insofar as 在……范围内

    approach vt--不同prep连用;we are to advance toward our common goals(我们要实现我们的共同目标)

    be supposed to do sth 应该做某事

    apparent 明显的,显而易见的

    alleged  [ə'ledʒd] 声称的,被断言的

    ceaseless 不停的,无休止的

    The safety inspector has advised us that our health and safety facilities are more than adequate.(安全巡查员通知我们,我们的健康和安保设施已经非常完善了。)

    competent [ˈkɒmpɪtənt]  adj.能干的,胜任的

    The management has expressed its total faith in the abilities and performance of the present incumbent and will not be seeking to replace him.(管理层已经表示,他们完全相信现任管理者的能力和业绩,并且表示不会撤掉他。)

    in general terms 概括地,笼统地


    run out of ==run short of  用完,耗尽

    in the event 如果;万一

    in particular 尤其, 特别;

    amplify 放大;详述

    inflated 给……充气;使膨胀;使通货膨胀

    criteria  [kraɪ'tɪərɪə] n. 标准

    dominant 支配的;统治的,renowned  [rɪˈnaʊnd]著名的;有名望的,prestigious [preˈstɪdʒəs]有威望的;有名望的,superior 优于……的

    maim [meɪm]  vt.使受重伤; 使残废; 残害; 伤残;

    malign 诽谤;中信;有害的

    disqualify vt.使无资格; 使不合格; 取消…的资格;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhuzhubaoya/p/10590491.html
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