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  • (OK) Creates Docker-based Virtual PC containers for use inside GNS3 as end hosts.


    VirtualPC container for GNS3

    Tested platforms: Ubuntu, OpenSuse, Redhat

    The goal is to take profit of docker containers to use inside GNS3 almost as a full-fledged linux endhost instead ofusing the very limited VPCS or an overkill virtual machine.

    This includes a script to manage containers and set networking parameters using pipework.

    Documentation and example are provided here (cciethebeginning.wordpress.com)


    You will need: git, docker, pipework. and lxterminal.


    sudo apt-get install git

    2.Docker easy to install

    docker -v
    Docker version 1.8.1, build d12ea79

    3.pipework, a simple yet powerful bash script, for advanced docker networking

    sudo bash -c “curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jpetazzo/pipework/master/pipework > /usr/local/bin/pipework”
    sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/pipework


    lxterminal is not required anymore, the script will detect the used terminal and use it to open interactive terminal access to containers.

    To use docker as non-root user

    sudo usermod -aG docker {user}

    Pull images from DockerHub

    The script will automatically pull the latest images from DockerHUB, if they do not exist locally.

    You can do it manually If you want:

    docker pull ajnouri/dockervpc
    docker pull quantumobject/docker-cacti
    docker pull socketplane/openvswitch

    Manually Build DockerVPC image

    After cloning the repository you can modify Dockerfile, to add your own tools or alleviate it, and rebuild it manually.Clone the repository

    git clone https://github.com/AJNOURI/DockerVPC
    cd DockerVPC

    If you want to use public keys for SSH authentication you will have to generate or copy your own public key in the repository directory and build the image manually.

    cp /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.pub id_rsa.pub

    or generate a special key pair:

    ssh-keygen -t rsa

    Now, build the image using the following command:

    sudo docker build -t {image-tag} {location-of-Dockerfile}


    sudo docker build -t dockervpc .

    The image will be used to run any number of container with the same content:

    Start a container

    ~/DockerVPC$ ./startvpc.sh dockervpc pc1
    Spawning a new container
    non-network local connections being added to access control list
    Container networking...
    Continue? [Yy] [Nn] y
    Enter Host bridge to connect the container to => br10
    Enter a new interface inside the container to connect to host bridge => eth1
    Enter IP address (without mask) for the container interface =>
    Enter the mask length => 24
    Enter the next-hop IP (GNS3 device) =>
    br10 doesn’t exist
    command: >> sudo pipework br10 -i eth1 a62dfeff0205 << successfully executed.
    Continue with network configuration[Cc], or quit[Qq]? q

    Included tools in the image

    These tools included in the image are available in all generated containers.

    Tip: You can install other tools if you make the container reach Internet, either directly through host docker0 interface, or by connecting it to your GNS3 topology.Nevertheless, the container VirtualPC is as flexible as a Docker container can be. Docker container technology is developing very fast, so this image will be subject to changes as container capabilities grow.

    SSH server

    Connect to the container using password-chalenge

    • Start SSHD on the server container
      root@pc2:/# /usr/sbin/sshd

      The default SSH password for user root is gns3vpc

    • From gns3 host
      $ ssh root@

      The authenticity of host ' (' can't be >established.ECDSA key fingerprint is >af:c3:85:55:5e:f5:66:cd:b5:99:8b:85:05:c5:27:42.Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yesFailed to add the host to the list of known hosts (/home/ajn/.ssh/known_hosts).root@'s password: Last login: Sat Oct 17 14:42:30 2015 from

    • From another container
      root@pc1:/# ssh root@

      root@'s password: Last login: Sat Oct 17 14:45:16 2015 from

    Example of using ansible to manage multiple DockerVPCs

    Let's start Apache on multiple containers

    • Add container IP addresses in /etc/ansible/hosts


    • $ ansible containers -i /etc/ansible/hosts -m command -a “/usr/sbin/apachectl start” -u root

      The authenticity of host ‘ (’ can’t be established.
      ECDSA key fingerprint is 60:e4:db:26:ac:0c:26:fe:53:0e:b1:86:12:28:55:35.
      Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
      The authenticity of host ‘ (’ can’t be established.
      ECDSA key fingerprint is 60:e4:db:26:ac:0c:26:fe:53:0e:b1:86:12:28:55:35.
      Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes | success | rc=0 >> | success | rc=0 >>

    Qupzilla browser

    • More lightweight than Firefox and supports Java and html5, but still troubleshooting flash support.
      Just start it:
      > qupzilla &

    Apache server

    • Start Apache server:

    /usr/sbin/apachectl start

    • From another container connect to the server using curl , links2 or Qupzilla.

    Traffic generation tools

    - Ostinato
    • From the running container, start the server component of Ostinato “drone” in the background, so you can continue to use the terminal:

      drone &

    • From Docker host (Your Desktop OS), start Ostinato client GUI and connect to containers IP running drone.

    - D-ITG
    • Single UDP flow with constant inter-departure time between packets and constant packets size:
      start the receiver on the destination host (

      $ ./ITGRecv

    • start the sender on the source host (

      $ ./ITGSend -a -sp 9400 -rp 9500 -C 100 -c 500 -t 20000 -x recv_log_file

    - iperf
    • on the destination container (ex:

      iperf -s

    • on the source container:

      iperf -c

    Bird Internet routing daemon

    Inject thousands of routes into your GNS3 topology from any DockerVPC container.

    VoIP applications

    sipp (text-based)
    pjsua (text-based)
    linphone (text + GUI)

    IPv6 THC tools

    VLC (VideoLAN)

    • Simply start vlc with username vlc in background

    su -c “vlc” -s /bin/sh vlc &

    /media directory contains small video files in multiple formats to play with.

    Links2 browser

    • A minimalistic browser (text+graphic mode).
      Text mode:

    links <url>

    • Graphic mode:

    links2 -g <url>

    vSFTPd server & ftp client

    • On the server container create a user

      root@vsftpd1:/# adduser user1
      Adding user user1’ ... Adding new groupuser1’ (1001) ...
      Adding new user user1’ (1001) with groupuser1’ ...
      Creating home directory /home/user1’ ... Copying files from/etc/skel’ ...
      Enter new UNIX password:
      Retype new UNIX password:
      passwd: password updated successfully
      Changing the user information for user1
      Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
      Full Name []:
      Room Number []:
      Work Phone []:
      Home Phone []:
      Other []:
      Is the information correct? [Y/n] Y

    • Enable sftpd:

      root@vsftpd1:/# /usr/sbin/vsftpd

    • On the client container:
      (ex: is IP of the server container)

      root@pc1:/# ftp -n
      Connected to
      220 (vsFTPd 3.0.2)
      ftp> user
      (username) user1
      331 Please specify the password.
      230 Login successful.
      Remote system type is UNIX.
      Using binary mode to transfer files.
      ftp> ls -a
      200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
      150 Here comes the directory listing.
      drwxr-xr-x 2 1001 1001 4096 Aug 07 06:48 .
      drwxr-xr-x 5 0 0 4096 Aug 07 07:04 ..
      -rw-r--r-- 1 1001 1001 220 Aug 07 06:48 .bash_logout
      -rw-r--r-- 1 1001 1001 3637 Aug 07 06:48 .bashrc
      -rw-r--r-- 1 1001 1001 675 Aug 07 06:48 .profile
      226 Directory send OK.
      ftp> pwd
      257 “/home/user1”

    And many other tools

    inetutils-traceroute, iputils-tracepath, mtr...i



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ztguang/p/12646642.html
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