二叉查找树(Binary Search Tree),又被称为二叉搜索树。
它是特殊的二叉树:对于二叉树,假设x为二叉树中的任意一个结点,x节点包含关键字key,节点x的key值记为key[x]。如果y是x的左子树中的一个结点,则key[y] <= key[x];如果y是x的右子树的一个结点,则key[y] >= key[x]。那么,这棵树就是二叉查找树。如下图所示:
(01) 若任意节点的左子树不空,则左子树上所有结点的值均小于它的根结点的值;
(02) 任意节点的右子树不空,则右子树上所有结点的值均大于它的根结点的值;
(03) 任意节点的左、右子树也分别为二叉查找树。
(04) 没有键值相等的节点(no duplicate nodes)。
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<malloc.h> #define LENGTH 11 struct BinSearNode { int key; struct BinSearNode *left_child; struct BinSearNode *right_child; struct BinSearNode *parent; }Node; typedef struct BinSearNode *PNode; /*Search the node of the tree*/ PNode Search_Tree(PNode root, int key) { PNode x = root; //the tree is not empty and the key is not equal while (NULL != x && x->key != key) { if (x->key<key) x = x->right_child;//along the right child of tree,until it is empty else x = x->left_child;//along the left child of tree,until it is empty } return x;//return the node } /*the minimum key of node in the tree*/ PNode Minimum_Tree(PNode root) { PNode x = root; while (NULL != x->left_child) { x = x->left_child; } return x; } /*the maxmum key of node in the tree*/ PNode Maxmum_Tree(PNode root) { PNode x = root; while (NULL != x->right_child) { x = x->right_child; } return x; } /*the successor node of the x,后继节点可以这么理解,将查找树从小到大排序,比他大的值 如果有右孩子,那么应该是右子树当中的最小值 如果没有右孩子,那么应该向上追溯,直至一个分支节点是其父节点的左孩子,返回父节点 可以用于operate++*/ PNode Successor_Tree(PNode x) { PNode y = NULL; //case 1:the right subtree of node x is not empty if (NULL != x->right_child) { y = Minimum_Tree(x->right_child); } //case 2:the right subtree of node x is empty //and the node of x has a successor node y else { y = x->parent; while (NULL != y && x == y->right_child) { x = y; y = y->parent; } } return y; } /*the predecessor node of the x,前任节点 如果节点有左孩子,那么找到左孩子的最大值 如果没有左孩子,那么向上追溯直至一个分支当前节点是对应父节点的右孩子,返回父节点的值 */ PNode Predecessor_Tree(PNode x) { PNode y = NULL; //case 1:the left subtree of node x is not empty if (NULL != x->left_child) { y = Maxmum_Tree(x->left_child); } //case 2:the left subtree of node x is empty //and the node of x has a predecessor node y else { y = x->parent; while (NULL != y && x == y->left_child) { x = y; y = y->parent; } } return y; } /*insert a new node into the BST*/ void Insert_Tree(PNode *root, int key) { PNode x = *root; PNode y = NULL; PNode z = (PNode)malloc(sizeof(Node));//<开辟一个节点的空间 if (NULL == z) { printf("malloc the z is failed."); exit(1); } //initial the node of z z->key = key; z->left_child = z->right_child = z->parent = NULL; //Find the location node of y to insert the node of z while (NULL != x) { y = x; //<找到当前树满足条件的叶子节点了,表示为y,之后在y节点后面进行插入操作 if (z->key<x->key) x = x->left_child; else x = x->right_child; } //insert the node of z z->parent = y; if (NULL == y) *root = z;//tree was empty else { if (z->key<y->key) y->left_child = z; else y->right_child = z; } } void Transplant(PNode *root, PNode u, PNode v) { if (NULL == u->parent) *root = v; else { if (u == u->parent->left_child) u->parent->left_child = v; else u->parent->right_child = v; } if (NULL != v) v->parent = u->parent; } /*delete a node in the binary search tree*/ void Delete_Tree(PNode *root, int key) //<删除节点 { //Find the node you want to delete PNode p = Search_Tree(*root, key); if (NULL == p->left_child) Transplant(root, p, p->right_child); else { if (NULL == p->right_child) Transplant(root, p, p->left_child); else { PNode y = Successor_Tree(*root); if (y->parent != p) { Transplant(root, y, y->right_child); y->right_child = p->right_child; y->right_child->parent = y; } Transplant(root, p, y); y->left_child = p->left_child; y->left_child->parent = y; } } } /*print the key of binary search tree*/ void ioder_Tree(PNode root) { if (NULL != root) { ioder_Tree(root->left_child); printf(" %d", root->key); ioder_Tree(root->right_child); } } int main() { int i; int Arr[LENGTH] = { 16, 6, 20, 2, 7, 19, 22, 1, 4, 11, 8 }; PNode root = NULL; PNode p = NULL; for (i = 0; i<LENGTH; i++) { Insert_Tree(&root, Arr[i]); } ioder_Tree(root); printf(" "); //printf("Hello world! "); Delete_Tree(&root, 11); ioder_Tree(root); printf(" "); p = Maxmum_Tree(root); printf("The Maxmum of node is:%d ", p->key); p = Minimum_Tree(root); printf("The Minimum of node is:%d ", p->key); getchar(); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <map> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { ///声明(int为键 , const char* 为值) map <int, const char*> m; ///插入元素 m.insert(make_pair(1, "ONE")); m.insert(make_pair(10, "TEN")); m[100] = "HUNDRED";///其他写法 ///查找元素 map<int, const char*>::iterator ite; ite = m.find(1); puts(ite->second); ite = m.find(2); if (ite == m.end()) puts("no found"); else puts(ite->second); puts(m[10]);///其他写法 ///删除元素 m.erase(10); for (ite = m.begin(); ite != m.end(); ++ite) { printf("%d: %s ", ite->first, ite->second); } system("pause"); return 0; }