一直使用SQL Server 2000 ,觉得安装方便快速,便不想升级到2005/2008.今天有个项目突然要用到2008,于是就在Windows7下安装了一下,没想到碰到一个1608错误,中间提示一大堆信息,上网搜索了一下,也好多遇到过这个错误,试了网上的方法都没有成功,郁闷中搜索到一个国外的方法:
SQL Server 2008 Setup fails on Windows 7 Enterprise, Error code 1608
To troubleshooting the issue, please try the following steps:
1. Get the Product Code = '{AEB9948B-4FF2-47C9-990E-47014492A0FE}'.
2. Byte reverses the first part from AEB9948B to B8499BEA.
3. Search in the registry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\UpgradeCodes and find a match.
4. Take a backup of the registry and delete the parent key.
5. Re-run the installation and if it fails again for a different GUID then repeat the steps stated above.