import heapq
maxn = int(1e5)
K = 13 # dimension
class Pt:
def __init__(self, x = None) -> None:
# x 假如用 List 会出现天坑.... href:
if x is None: self.x = [0 for _ in range(K)]
else : self.x = x
self.val = 0
class Node:
def __init__(self, d = 0, id = 0) -> None:
""" 用于放到heapq中的结点 """
self.d = d = id
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.d > other.d
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "(d: %.2f, id: %d)" % (self.d,
class KDTree_Node:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.SZ = 0 = 0
self.rc = 0
self.maxn = [0] * K
self.minn = [0] * K = Pt()
class KDTree:
def __init__(self, n = 0, alpha= 0.75) -> None:
""" initial KDself.Tree """
self.n = n # p array length
self.p = [Pt() for _ in range(maxn)]
self.Tr = [KDTree_Node() for _ in range(maxn)]
# 优先级队列,大根堆
self.hp = []
self.alpha = alpha # 替罪羊树重构因子
self.cuK = 0 # current K, self.tot = 0, 0 #> array, self.tot -> KD-self.Tree size = [0] * maxn # useless node
self.root = 1 # temp save the KDTree root
def New(self) -> int:
if != 0: -= 1
return[ + 1]
self.tot += 1
return self.tot
def update(self, x) -> None:
""" use to update the father node info """
lc = self.Tr[x].lc; rc = self.Tr[x].rc
for i in range(K):
self.Tr[x].maxn[i] = self.Tr[x].minn[i] = self.Tr[x].place.x[i]
if (lc != 0):
self.Tr[x].maxn[i] = max(self.Tr[x].maxn[i], self.Tr[lc].maxn[i])
self.Tr[x].minn[i] = min(self.Tr[x].minn[i], self.Tr[lc].minn[i])
if (rc != 0):
self.Tr[x].maxn[i] = max(self.Tr[x].maxn[i], self.Tr[rc].maxn[i])
self.Tr[x].minn[i] = min(self.Tr[x].minn[i], self.Tr[rc].minn[i])
self.Tr[x].SZ = self.Tr[lc].SZ + self.Tr[rc].SZ + 1
def build(self, l: int, r: int, dep= 0) -> int:
if (l > r): return 0
self.cuK = dep % K
mid = (l + r) >> 1
x = self.New()
temp_p = self.p[l:r + 1]
temp_p.sort(key= lambda arr: arr.x[self.cuK])
self.p[l:r + 1] = temp_p
self.Tr[x].place = self.p[mid]
self.Tr[x].lc =, mid - 1, dep + 1)
self.Tr[x].rc = + 1, r, dep + 1)
return x
def rebuild(self, x: int, base= 0):
""" recursion rebuild, and store these self.Tree node in store """
lc = self.Tr[x].lc
rc = self.Tr[x].rc
if lc != 0: self.rebuild(lc, base)
self.p[base + self.Tr[lc].SZ + 1] = self.Tr[x].place += 1;[] = x;
if rc != 0: self.rebuild(rc, base + self.Tr[lc].SZ + 1)
def check(self, x: int, dep: int) -> int:
""" if meet the limit, rebuild the sub-Tree """
if (self.alpha * self.Tr[x].SZ < self.Tr[self.Tr[x].lc].SZ or self.alpha * self.Tr[x].SZ < self.Tr[self.Tr[x].rc].SZ):
x =, self.Tr[x].SZ, dep)
return x
def insert(self, inP: Pt, loc: int, dep= 0) -> int:
if loc == 0:
loc = self.New()
self.Tr[loc].place = inP
self.Tr[loc].lc = self.Tr[loc].rc = 0
return loc
if (inP.x[dep % K] <= self.Tr[loc].place.x[dep % K]):
self.Tr[loc].lc = self.insert(inP, self.Tr[loc].lc, dep + 1)
else :
self.Tr[loc].rc = self.insert(inP, self.Tr[loc].rc, dep +1)
loc = self.check(loc, dep)
return loc
def getdis(self, temp: Pt, x: int):
""" 用于计算upper bound的估值 """
res = 0
for i in range(K):
res += (max(0, temp.x[i] - self.Tr[x].maxn[i]) + max(0, self.Tr[x].minn[i] - temp.x[i])) ** 2
return res
def dist(self, a, b):
res = 0
for i in range(K):
res += (a.x[i] - b.x[i]) ** 2
return res
def _query(self, ask: Pt, x: int, k: int) -> None:
""" inter query """
d = self.dist(ask, self.Tr[x].place) # 当前值
heapq.heappush(self.hp, Node(d, x))
if len(self.hp) > k:
lim = self.hp[0].d # upper bound
lc = self.Tr[x].lc; rc = self.Tr[x].rc;
inf = 1e9 # 最值
dl = inf; dr = inf; # 左右孩子的估值 dl, dr
if lc != 0: dl = self.getdis(ask, lc);
if rc != 0: dr = self.getdis(ask, rc);
# print(lim, dl, dr, d, len(self.hp), "lc: ", lc, "rc: ", rc)
if dl > dr:
dl, dr = dr, dl
lc, rc = rc, lc
if (dl < lim or len(self.hp) < k): self._query(ask, lc, k);
if (dr < lim or len(self.hp) < k): self._query(ask, rc, k);
def query(self, ask: Pt, x: int, k= 1):
""" outer query """
assert k > 0 and k <= self.n
self.hp = []
self._query(ask, x, k)
return [[e.d,] for e in self.hp]
# KNN-KDTree
class KNN_KDTree:
def __init__(self, X_train, y_train, n_neighbors=3, p=2): # 通过n_neighbors修改k值
parameter: n_neighbors 临近点个数
parameter: p 距离度量
self.n = n_neighbors
self.p = p
self.X_train = X_train
self.y_train = y_train
self.KDTree = KDTree()
self.KDTree.n = len(X_train)
Len = len(self.X_train)
for i in range(1, len(self.X_train) + 1, 1):
for j in range(K):
self.KDTree.p[i].x[j] = self.X_train[i - 1][j]
self.KDTree.p[i].val = self.y_train[i - 1]
self.KDTree.root =, Len)
def predict(self, X):
res = self.KDTree.query(Pt(X), self.KDTree.root, self.n)
knn = [self.KDTree.Tr[k[-1]].place.val for k in res]
count_pairs = Counter(knn)
# print(count_pairs.items())
max_count = sorted(count_pairs.items(), key= lambda x: x[1])[-1][0]
return max_count
def score(self, X_test, y_test):
right_count = 0
for X, y in zip(X_test, y_test):
label = self.predict(X)
if label == y:
right_count += 1
return right_count / len(X_test)
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
using ll = long long;
using db = double;
const int maxn = 3e5 + 50;
const int K = 2; // 维度
const db alpha = 0.75; // 替罪羊树重构因子
int cuK; // current K
int top, tot; // top -> store array, tot -> total KDTree size
int store[maxn]; // store useless node, to save memory
struct Pt{
int x[K]; // denote the position
int val; // denote the value of point
/* compare by K-Dimension */
inline bool operator< (const Pt &other){
return x[cuK] < other.x[cuK];
struct KDTree{
int SZ; // denote the size of child root
int lc, rc; // denote left, right child
int maxn[K], minn[K]; // maxn(i) denote the maximum of K-th dimension
Pt place; // denote the split point
inline int New() { if (top) return store[top--]; return ++tot; }
#define chmax(x, y) x = max(x, y)
#define chmin(x, y) x = min(x, y)
inline void update(int x){
/* use to update the father node info */
int lc = Tr[x].lc, rc = Tr[x].rc;
for (int i = 0; i < K; ++ i){
Tr[x].maxn[i] = Tr[x].minn[i] = Tr[x].place.x[i];
if (lc) chmax(Tr[x].maxn[i], Tr[lc].maxn[i]), chmin(Tr[x].minn[i], Tr[lc].minn[i]);
if (rc) chmax(Tr[x].maxn[i], Tr[rc].maxn[i]), chmin(Tr[x].minn[i], Tr[rc].minn[i]);
Tr[x].SZ = Tr[lc].SZ + Tr[rc].SZ + 1; // update size
int build(int l, int r, int dep= 0){
if (l > r) return 0;
cuK = dep % K; // determine the current dimension
int mid = (1ll * l + r) >> 1, x = New();
nth_element(p + l, p + mid, p + r + 1), Tr[x].place = p[mid];
Tr[x].lc = build(l, mid - 1, dep + 1), Tr[x].rc = build(mid + 1, r, dep + 1);
return x;
void rebuild(int x, int base= 0){
/* recursion rebuild, and store these tree node in store */
int lc = Tr[x].lc, rc = Tr[x].rc;
if (lc) rebuild(lc, base);
p[base + Tr[lc].SZ + 1] = Tr[x].place, store[++top] = x;
if (rc) rebuild(rc, base + Tr[lc].SZ + 1);
void check(int &x, int dep){
/* if meet the limit, rebuild the sub-tree */
if (alpha * Tr[x].SZ < Tr[Tr[x].lc].SZ || alpha * Tr[x].SZ < Tr[Tr[x].rc].SZ)
rebuild(x), x = build(1, Tr[x].SZ, dep);
void insert(Pt inP, int &loc, int dep= 0){
if (!loc) { loc = New(); Tr[loc].place = inP, Tr[loc].lc = Tr[loc].rc = 0; update(loc); return; }
if (inP.x[dep % K] <= Tr[loc].place.x[dep % K]) insert(inP, Tr[loc].lc, dep + 1);
else insert(inP, Tr[loc].rc, dep + 1);
update(loc), check(loc, dep);
int getdis(Pt temp, int x){
int res = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < K; ++ i){
res += max(0, temp.x[i] - Tr[x].maxn[i]) + max(0, Tr[x].minn[i] - temp.x[i]);
return res;
int dist(Pt a, Pt b){
int res = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < K; ++ i) res += abs(a.x[i] - b.x[i]);
return res;
int ans;
const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
inline void query(Pt ask, int x){
chmin(ans, dist(ask, Tr[x].place));
int lc = Tr[x].lc, rc = Tr[x].rc;
int dl = inf, dr = inf;
if (lc) dl = getdis(ask, lc);
if (rc) dr = getdis(ask, rc);
if (dl > dr) swap(dl, dr), swap(lc, rc);
if (dl < ans) query(ask, lc);
if (dr < ans) query(ask, rc);
void solve(){
int n, m; std::cin >> n >> m;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++ i) std::cin >> p[i].x[0] >> p[i].x[1];
int root = build(1, n);
for (int i = 0; i < m; ++ i){
int type; std::cin >> type;
Pt ask; std::cin >> ask.x[0] >> ask.x[1];
if (type == 1) insert(ask, root);
else { ans = inf; query(ask, root); std::cout << ans << "
"; }
int main(){
ios::sync_with_stdio(0), cin.tie(0), cout.tie(0);
return 0;