cat /etc/yum.conf
cachedir=/var/cache/yum # yum下载的RPM包的缓存目录
keepcache=0 # 缓存是否保存,1保存,0不保存。
debuglevel=2 # 调试级别(0-10),默认为2。
logfile=/var/log/yum.log # yum的日志文件所在的位置
exactarch=1 # 更新时,是否允许更新不同版本的RPM包,比如是否在i386上更新i686的RPM包。
obsoletes=1 # 相当于upgrade,允许更新陈旧的RPM包,具体请参阅yum(8)。
gpgcheck=1 # 是否检查GPG(GNU Private Guard),一种密钥方式签名。
plugins=1 # 是否允许使用插件,默认是0不允许。
installonly_limit=3 # 允许保留多少个内核包。
exclude=selinux* # 屏蔽不想更新的RPM包,可用通配符,多个RPM包之间使用空格分离。
# This is the default, if you make this bigger yum won't see if the metadata
# is newer on the remote and so you'll "gain" the bandwidth of not having to
# download the new metadata and "pay" for it by yum not having correct
# information.
# It is esp. important, to have correct metadata, for distributions like
# Fedora which don't keep old packages around. If you don't like this checking
# interupting your command line usage, it's much better to have something
# manually check the metadata once an hour (yum-updatesd will do this).
# metadata_expire=90m
# PUT YOUR REPOS HERE or IN separate files named file.repo
# in /etc/yum.repos.d