学习一门语言,我们先要学习他的基本的语法,基本的数据类型,基本的数组操作,字符串的操作,然后就是语言的特性,实现共享和降低耦合的方式,然后开始比较高级的学习(所有语言都是一样的),比如说通信方法,tcp http等,io的操作,多进程,多线程的通信方式,阻塞非阻塞,对数据库的操作,性能的提升和更好的设计模式架构等。
我们学习Node这门服务端的语言,同样。学习他后台的框架 express和koa还有基于express的hapi等,了解他的更多的核心包,还有很多基于Node开发的前端Mvc的框架等,尝试使用,毕竟一个公司通常用的东西都是成熟稳定的东西,新的东西风险太大。
1. 问题:如何遍历配置中的包,确定所有的都加载了。
//检查下依赖的模块是否都已安装 (function() { var errors = []; var packages = require('../package.json'); Object.keys(packages.dependencies).forEach(function (p) { try { require.resolve(p); } catch (e) { errors.push(e.message); } }); if (!errors.length) { return; } errors = errors.join(' '); console.error('x1B[31mERROR: creative platform is unable to start due to missing dependencies:x1B[0m ' + errors); console.error('x1B[32m Please run `npm install` and try starting creative platform again.'); console.error('x1B[32mHelp and documentation can be found at http://wiki.letv.cn/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=46202060x1B[0m '); process.exit(0); }());
后面的console.error中的 x1B[31m 表示字体的颜色和字体的大小。
contentPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../content');
//检查下content目录是否存在 var checkContent = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var stats; try { //服务器启动前,可执行同步io stats = fs.statSync(appConfig.contentPath); } catch (e) { if (e.code == 'ENOENT') { return resolve(false); } else { return reject(e); } } if (stats.isDirectory()) { return resolve(true); } else { return reject(new Error(appConfig.contentPath + ' is not a directory')); } });
Promise.resolve(checkContent).then(function(exist) { var promise; if (!exist) { //没有content目录时,在开发模式下,才会创建 if (appConfig.mode === appConfig.DEVELOPMENT) { var ncpAsync = Promise.promisify(ncp); promise = ncpAsync(appConfig.contentExamplePath, appConfig.contentPath); } else { promise = Promise.reject(new Error('Cannot find directory ' + appConfig.contentPath)); } } else { promise = Promise.resolve(); } return promise; }).then(function() { //检查下服务器上是否有flash的编译器 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var stats; try { //服务器启动前,可执行同步io stats = fs.statSync(path.join(appConfig.env.flexSDKPath, 'bin')); } catch(e) { return reject(e); } if (!stats.isDirectory()) { return reject(new Error('Cannot found flex sdk')); } return resolve(); }); }).then
6. process模块 http://www.css88.com/archives/4548
7. 一个比较完整的express的配置
var app = express(); var rootPath = process.cwd(); var server = { startup: function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { app.set('views', path.join(rootPath, 'views')); app.set('view engine', 'ejs'); if (appConfig.mode !== appConfig.DEVELOPMENT) { app.set('trust proxy', 1); } app.use(favicon(path.join(rootPath, 'public/images/favicon.ico'))); app.use(logger('dev')); app.use(bodyParser.json()); app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded()); app.use(cookieParser()); var options = { resave : true, saveUninitialized : true, secret : appConfig.env.sessionSecret, rolling : true, cookie : { maxAge : appConfig.env.sessionMaxAge } }; if (appConfig.mode !== appConfig.DEVELOPMENT) { //将session写到redis中 options.store = new RedisStore( {retry_max_delay: 5000, max_attempts: 3} ); } //flashSession用来修复flash上传组件上传文件时丢失cookie的bug app.use(flashSession()); app.use(session(options)); if (appConfig.mode === appConfig.DEVELOPMENT) { //显示静态资源列表(只显示public目录下的,并不是所有的) app.use('/static', serveIndex(path.join(rootPath, 'public'), { icons : true, hidden : true, view : 'details' })); } app.use(express.static(path.join(rootPath, 'public'))); //编译生成的swf文件及上传的文件的静态资源目录 app.use(express.static(appConfig.staticDir.assetsPath)); app.use(express.static(appConfig.staticDir.apsPath)); //刊例和素材规范的静态资源目录 app.use(express.static(appConfig.staticDir.ratecardPath)); //刊例和素材规范相关的图片, js, 样式 app.use('/rc', express.static(path.join(rootPath, 'public'))); //controller作为中央控制器,集中管理路由 controller.route(app); app.listen(appConfig.env.port, '', 511, function(err) { console.log(' '); console.log(' fttt8 GCCCG C1t10 '); console.log(' fttt8 0f11111tG 0CCftttLCLG 0GL0 8CCL0 '); console.log(' fttt8 0tttC00Gf10 C11tttt1110 LC1L G1t1G '); console.log(' fttt8 fttG GtfG CCftttLCC0G G1f Cttt8 '); console.log(' fttt8 0ttf 8GLttt0 L1t10 0tt8 fttf '); console.log(' fttt8 CttfCft11fC8 L1t10 8f1G 0tttL '); console.log(' fttt8 C1tt11fL08 L1t10 L1L Gttt0 '); console.log(' fttt8 GtttL08 8 L1t10 C1f Lttt8 '); console.log(' fttt8 8tttG C0 L1t10 0ttLtttL '); console.log(' ftttG00008 C1ttC8 80fL LtttC00 8ttttttG '); console.log(' fttttttt1f L1tttft1f8 L1ttttt0 L1tttt8 '); console.log(' LtfffffftL GfttttC Gtfffff0 GtfftL '); console.log(' 800 '); console.log(' '); console.log(' Creative platform ' + pack.version ); console.log(' '); console.log(' Server running at ' + appConfig.env.httpServerURL ); console.log(''); console.log('x1B[32m Help and documentation can be found at http://wiki.letv.cn/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=46202060x1B[0m '); return resolve(); }); }); } }; module.exports = server;
var appConfig = require('../config/app_config'); var ErrorCode = require('../models/error_code'); function Controller() {} /** * 集中管理路由 * @method route * @for Controller * @param {Function} app 应用程序 */ Controller.prototype.route = function(app) { var check_login_cmd = require('../commands/auth/check_login_cmd'); var check_logout_cmd = require('../commands/auth/check_logout_cmd'); var index_cmd = require('../commands/index_cmd'); var login_cmd = require('../commands/login_cmd'); var creative = require('../commands/creative'); //广告创意 var user = require('../commands/user'); //用户 var admin = require('../commands/admin'); var ratecard = require('../commands/ratecard'); //刊例 var post = require('../commands/post'); //发表文章 var spec = require('../commands/spec'); //素材规范 var ueditor = require('../commands/ueditor'); //百度编辑器 var openapi = require('../commands/openapi'); //开放平台 this.app = app; app.route('/').get(check_login_cmd('html'), index_cmd); app.route('/login').get(check_logout_cmd('html'), login_cmd); //将/creative/下的请求都交给creative,即交给creative目录下的index.js //来处理,index.js控制二级路由,/user, /ratecard等以此类推 app.use('/creative', creative); app.use('/user', user); app.use('/admin', admin); app.use('/ratecard', ratecard); app.use('/post', post); app.use('/spec', spec); app.use('/ueditor', ueditor); app.use('/openapi', openapi); //404 app.use(function(req, res, next) { res.status(404); res.render('404', { message: req.url + ' not found' }); }); //服务器错误 app.use(function(err, req, res, next) { res.status(err.status || 500); res.render('error', { error: appConfig.mode == appConfig.PRODUCTION ? {stack: ''} : err }); }); }; Controller.prototype.responseJson = function(res, data, msg, errCode) { if(errCode === true) { errCode = ErrorCode.ERROR; }else if(errCode === false) { errCode = ErrorCode.SUCCESS; } var jsonData = {}; jsonData.data = data; jsonData.msg = msg, jsonData.error = errCode; var head = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }; res.writeHead(200, head); res.end(JSON.stringify(jsonData)); }; Controller.prototype.responseJsonObj = function(res, data) { var head = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }; res.writeHead(200, head); res.end(JSON.stringify(data)); }; Controller.prototype.responseTxt = function(res, txt) { res.end(txt); }; Controller.prototype.response404 = function() { res.status(404); res.render('404', { message: req.url + ' not found...' }); }; Controller.prototype.responseHtml = function() { var res, options, path, data; if(arguments.length == 4) { res = arguments[0]; options = arguments[1]; path = arguments[2]; data = arguments[3]; }else if(arguments.length == 3) { res = arguments[0]; path = arguments[1]; data = arguments[2]; }else if(arguments.length == 2) { res = arguments[0]; path = arguments[1]; } if(!options) { options = {}; } if(options.noCache) { res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache'); res.setHeader('Pragma', 'no-cache'); } if(options.viewsPath) { var app = this.app; var viewsPath = app.get('views'); app.set('views', options.viewsPath); res.render(path, data || {}); app.set('views', viewsPath); }else { res.render(path, data || {}); } }; Controller.prototype.responseFile = function(res, statusCode, head, file) { res.writeHead(statusCode, head); res.write(file, "binary"); res.end(); }; Controller.prototype.redirect = function(res, path) { res.redirect(path); }; var controller = new Controller(); module.exports = controller;