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  • POJ 2074 Line of Sight(直线交点、最长连续区间)








    #include <math.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <cstdio>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <map>
    #include <queue>
    #include <set>
    #include <vector>
    using namespace std;
    const int N = 1e6 + 5;
    typedef long long LL;
    double dis[100][100];
    // 计算几何模板
    const double eps = 1e-8;
    const double inf = 1e20;
    const double pi = acos(-1.0);
    const int maxp = 1010;
    // 和0做比较
    int sgn(double x) {
        if (fabs(x) < eps) return 0;  // =0
        if (x < 0)
            return -1;  // < 0
            return 1;  // > 0
    // 计算x的平方
    inline double sqr(double x) { return x * x; }
    struct Point {
        double x, y;
        int index;
        Point() {}
        Point(double _x, double _y) {
            x = _x;
            y = _y;
        void input() { scanf("%lf%lf", &x, &y); }
        void output() { printf("%.2f %.2f
    ", x, y); }
        bool operator==(Point b) const {
            return sgn(x - b.x) == 0 && sgn(y - b.y) == 0;
        bool operator<(Point b) const {
            return sgn(x - b.x) == 0 ? sgn(y - b.y) < 0 : x < b.x;
        Point operator-(const Point &b) const { return Point(x - b.x, y - b.y); }
        Point operator+(const Point &b) const { return Point(x + b.x, y + b.y); }
        double operator^(const Point &b) const { return x * b.y - y * b.x; }
        double operator*(const Point &b) const { return x * b.x + y * b.y; }
        double dist(Point p) {
            return sqrt((x - p.x) * (x - p.x) + (y - p.y) * (y - p.y));
        // 极角排序
    struct Line {
        Point s, e;
        Line() {}
        // 两点确定一条线段
        Line(Point _s, Point _e) {
            s = _s;
            e = _e;
        // 1  在左侧; 2  在右侧; 3  在直线上
        int relation(Point p) {
            int c = sgn((p - s) ^ (e - s));
            if (c < 0)
                return 1;
            else if (c > 0)
                return 2;
                return 3;
        // 2 规范相交;1 非规范相交;0 不相交
        int segcrossseg(Line v) {
            int d1 = sgn((e - s) ^ (v.s - s));
            int d2 = sgn((e - s) ^ (v.e - s));
            int d3 = sgn((v.e - v.s) ^ (s - v.s));
            int d4 = sgn((v.e - v.s) ^ (e - v.s));
            if ((d1 ^ d2) == -2 && (d3 ^ d4) == -2) return 2;
            return (d1 == 0 && sgn((v.s - s) * (v.s - e)) <= 0) ||
                   (d2 == 0 && sgn((v.e - s) * (v.e - e)) <= 0) ||
                   (d3 == 0 && sgn((s - v.s) * (s - v.e)) <= 0) ||
                   (d4 == 0 && sgn((e - v.s) * (e - v.e)) <= 0);
        bool parallel(Line v) { return sgn((e - s) ^ (v.e - v.s)) == 0; }
        Point crosspoint(Line v) {
            double a1 = (v.e - v.s) ^ (s - v.s);
            double a2 = (v.e - v.s) ^ (e - v.s);
            return Point((s.x * a2 - e.x * a1) / (a2 - a1),
                         (s.y * a2 - e.y * a1) / (a2 - a1));
        double length() { return s.dist(e); }
        double dispointtoline(Point p) {
            return fabs((p - s) ^ (e - s)) / length();
        double dispointtoseg(Point p) {
            if (sgn((p - s) * (e - s)) < 0 || sgn((p - e) * (s - e)) < 0)
                return min(p.dist(s), p.dist(e));
            return dispointtoline(p);
        //-*this line   -v seg
        // 2 规范相交
        // 1 非规范相交
        // 0 不相交
        int linecrossseg(Line v) {
            int d1 = sgn((e - s) ^ (v.s - s));
            int d2 = sgn((e - s) ^ (v.e - s));
            if ((d1 ^ d2) == -2) return 2;
            return (d1 == 0 || d2 == 0);
    struct Seq {
        double left, right;
        Seq() {}
        Seq(double _left, double _right) {
            left = _left;
            right = _right;
    Seq seq[N];
    bool cmp(Seq a, Seq b) { return a.left < b.left; }
    double x1, x2, y, px1, px2, py;
    Line property, ob[N];
    int n, cnt;
    int main() {
        while (scanf("%lf%lf%lf", &x1, &x2, &y) != EOF && (x1 + x2 + y != 0)) {
            scanf("%lf%lf%lf", &px1, &px2, &py);
            property = Line(Point(px1, py), Point(px2, py));
            scanf("%d", &n);
            cnt = 0;
            seq[0] = Seq(0.0, 0.0);
            for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
                double ox1, ox2, oy;
                scanf("%lf%lf%lf", &ox1, &ox2, &oy);
                if (oy >= y || oy <= py) continue;
                Line now = Line(Point(x2, y), Point(ox1, oy));
                Point lx = now.crosspoint(property);
                if (lx.x >= px2) continue;
                if (lx.x < px1) lx.x = px1;
                now = Line(Point(x1, y), Point(ox2, oy));
                Point rx = now.crosspoint(property);
                if (rx.x <= px1) continue;
                if (rx.x > px2) rx.x = px2;
                seq[++cnt] = Seq(lx.x, rx.x);
            sort(seq + 1, seq + cnt + 1, cmp);
            double res = 0, r = px1;
            for (int i = 1; i <= cnt; i++) {
                res = max(res, seq[i].left - r);
                r = max(r, seq[i].right);
            res = max(res, px2 - r);
            if (sgn(res) == 0)
                printf("No View
    ", res);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dyhaohaoxuexi/p/14137674.html
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