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  • Javascript小白经典题型(二)

    51. 输出的是什么?

    function getInfo(member, year) {
      member.name = "Lydia";
      year = "1998";
    const person = { name: "Sarah" };
    const birthYear = "1997";
    getInfo(person, birthYear);
    console.log(person, birthYear);
    • A: { name: "Lydia" }, "1997"
    • B: { name: "Sarah" }, "1998"
    • C: { name: "Lydia" }, "1998"
    • D: { name: "Sarah" }, "1997"

    52. 输出是什么?

    function greeting() {
      throw "Hello world!";
    function sayHi() {
      try {
        const data = greeting();
        console.log("It worked!", data);
      } catch (e) {
        console.log("Oh no an error!", e);
    • A: "It worked! Hello world!"
    • B: "Oh no an error: undefined
    • C: SyntaxError: can only throw Error objects
    • D: "Oh no an error: Hello world!

    53. 输出是什么?

    function Car() {
      this.make = "Lamborghini";
      return { make: "Maserati" };
    const myCar = new Car();
    • A: "Lamborghini"
    • B: "Maserati"
    • C: ReferenceError
    • D: TypeError

     54. 输出是什么?

    (() => {
      let x = (y = 10);
    console.log(typeof x);
    console.log(typeof y);
    • A: "undefined", "number"
    • B: "number", "number"
    • C: "object", "number"
    • D: "number", "undefined"

    55. 输出是什么?

    class Dog {
      constructor(name) {
        this.name = name;
    Dog.prototype.bark = function() {
      console.log(`Woof I am ${this.name}`);
    const pet = new Dog("Mara");
    delete Dog.prototype.bark;
    • A: "Woof I am Mara", TypeError
    • B: "Woof I am Mara","Woof I am Mara"
    • C: "Woof I am Mara", undefined
    • D: TypeError, TypeError

    56. 输出是什么?

    const set = new Set([1, 1, 2, 3, 4]);
    A: [1, 1, 2, 3, 4]
    B: [1, 2, 3, 4]
    C: {1, 1, 2, 3, 4}
    D: {1, 2, 3, 4}

    57. 输出是什么?

    // counter.js
    let counter = 10;
    export default counter;
    // index.js
    import myCounter from "./counter";
    myCounter += 1;
    • A: 10
    • B: 11
    • C: Error
    • D: NaN

    58. 输出是什么?

    const name = "Lydia";
    age = 21;
    console.log(delete name);
    console.log(delete age);
    • A: false, true
    • B: "Lydia", 21
    • C: true, true
    • D: undefined, undefined

    59. 输出是什么?

    const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    const [y] = numbers;
    • A: [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]
    • B: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    • C: 1
    • D: [1]

    60. 输出是什么?

    const user = { name: "Lydia", age: 21 };
    const admin = { admin: true, ...user };
    • A: { admin: true, user: { name: "Lydia", age: 21 } }
    • B: { admin: true, name: "Lydia", age: 21 }
    • C: { admin: true, user: ["Lydia", 21] }
    • D: { admin: true }

     61. 输出是什么?

    const person = { name: "Lydia" };
    Object.defineProperty(person, "age", { value: 21 });
    • A: { name: "Lydia", age: 21 }, ["name", "age"]
    • B: { name: "Lydia", age: 21 }, ["name"]
    • C: { name: "Lydia"}, ["name", "age"]
    • D: { name: "Lydia"}, ["age"]

    62. 输出是什么?

    const settings = {
      username: "lydiahallie",
      level: 19,
      health: 90
    const data = JSON.stringify(settings, ["level", "health"]);
    • A: "{"level":19, "health":90}"
    • B: "{"username": "lydiahallie"}"
    • C: "["level", "health"]"
    • D: "{"username": "lydiahallie", "level":19, "health":90}"

    63. 输出是什么?

    let num = 10;
    const increaseNumber = () => num++;
    const increasePassedNumber = number => number++;
    const num1 = increaseNumber();
    const num2 = increasePassedNumber(num1);
    • A: 10, 10
    • B: 10, 11
    • C: 11, 11
    • D: 11, 12

    64. 输出什么?

    const value = { number: 10 };
    const multiply = (x = { ...value }) => {
      console.log(x.number *= 2);
    • A: 20, 40, 80, 160
    • B: 20, 40, 20, 40
    • C: 20, 20, 20, 40
    • D: NaN, NaN, 20, 40

    65. 输出什么?

    [1, 2, 3, 4].reduce((x, y) => console.log(x, y));
    • A: 1 2 and 3 3 and 6 4
    • B: 1 2 and 2 3 and 3 4
    • C: 1 undefined and 2 undefined and 3 undefined and 4 undefined
    • D: 1 2 and undefined 3 and undefined 4

    66. 使用哪个构造函数可以成功继承Dog类?

    class Dog {
      constructor(name) {
        this.name = name;
    class Labrador extends Dog {
      // 1 
      constructor(name, size) {
        this.size = size;
      // 2
      constructor(name, size) {
        this.size = size;
      // 3
      constructor(size) {
        this.size = size;
      // 4 
      constructor(name, size) {
        this.name = name;
        this.size = size;
    • A: 1
    • B: 2
    • C: 3
    • D: 4

    67. 输出什么?

    // index.js
    console.log('running index.js');
    import { sum } from './sum.js';
    console.log(sum(1, 2));
    // sum.js
    console.log('running sum.js');
    export const sum = (a, b) => a + b;
    • A: running index.js, running sum.js, 3
    • B: running sum.js, running index.js, 3
    • C: running sum.js, 3, running index.js
    • D: running index.js, undefined, running sum.js

    68. 输出什么?

    console.log(Number(2) === Number(2))
    console.log(Boolean(false) === Boolean(false))
    console.log(Symbol('foo') === Symbol('foo'))
    • A: true, true, false
    • B: false, true, false
    • C: true, false, true
    • D: true, true, true

    69. 输出什么?

    const name = "Lydia Hallie"
    • A: "Lydia Hallie", "Lydia Hallie"
    • B: " Lydia Hallie", " Lydia Hallie" ("[13x whitespace]Lydia Hallie", "[2x whitespace]Lydia Hallie")
    • C: " Lydia Hallie", "Lydia Hallie" ("[1x whitespace]Lydia Hallie", "Lydia Hallie")
    • D: "Lydia Hallie", "Lyd"

    70. 输出什么?

    console.log("??" + "??");
    • A: "????"
    • B: 257548
    • C: A string containing their code points
    • D: Error

    71. 如何能打印出console.log语句后注释掉的值?

    function* startGame() {
      const answer = yield "Do you love JavaScript?";
      if (answer !== "Yes") {
        return "Oh wow... Guess we're gone here";
      return "JavaScript loves you back ??";
    const game = startGame();
    console.log(/* 1 */); // Do you love JavaScript?
    console.log(/* 2 */); // JavaScript loves you back ??
    • A: game.next("Yes").value and game.next().value
    • B: game.next.value("Yes") and game.next.value()
    • C: game.next().value and game.next("Yes").value
    • D: game.next.value() and game.next.value("Yes")

    72. 输出什么?

    • A: Hello world!
    • B: Hello
    • world
    • C: Hello world
    • D: Hello
    • world

    73. 输出什么?

    async function getData() {
      return await Promise.resolve("I made it!");
    const data = getData();
    • A: "I made it!"
    • B: Promise {<resolved>: "I made it!"}
    • C: Promise {<pending>}
    • D: undefined

    74. 输出什么?

    function addToList(item, list) {
      return list.push(item);
    const result = addToList("apple", ["banana"]);
    • A: ['apple', 'banana']
    • B: 2
    • C: true
    • D: undefined

    75. 输出什么?

    const box = { x: 10, y: 20 };
    const shape = box;
    shape.x = 100;
    • A: { x: 100, y: 20 }
    • B: { x: 10, y: 20 }
    • C: { x: 100 }
    • D: ReferenceError

    76. 输出什么?

    const { name: myName } = { name: "Lydia" };
    • A: "Lydia"
    • B: "myName"
    • C: undefined
    • D: ReferenceError

    77. 以下是个纯函数么?

    function sum(a, b) {
      return a + b;
    • A: Yes
    • B: No

    78. 输出什么?

    const add = () => {
      const cache = {};
      return num => {
        if (num in cache) {
          return `From cache! ${cache[num]}`;
        } else {
          const result = num + 10;
          cache[num] = result;
          return `Calculated! ${result}`;
    const addFunction = add();
    console.log(addFunction(5 * 2));
    • A: Calculated! 20 Calculated! 20 Calculated! 20
    • B: Calculated! 20 From cache! 20 Calculated! 20
    • C: Calculated! 20 From cache! 20 From cache! 20
    • D: Calculated! 20 From cache! 20 Error

    79. 输出什么?

    const myLifeSummedUp = ["?", "??", "??", "??"]
    for (let item in myLifeSummedUp) {
    for (let item of myLifeSummedUp) {
    • A: 0 1 2 3 and "?" "??" "??" "??"
    • B: "?" "??" "??" "??" and "?" "??" "??" "??"
    • C: "?" "??" "??" "??" and 0 1 2 3
    • D: 0 1 2 3 and {0: "?", 1: "??", 2: "??", 3: "??"}

    80. 输出什么?

    const list = [1 + 2, 1 * 2, 1 / 2]
    • A: ["1 + 2", "1 * 2", "1 / 2"]
    • B: ["12", 2, 0.5]
    • C: [3, 2, 0.5]
    • D: [1, 1, 1]

    81. 输出什么?

    function sayHi(name) {
      return `Hi there, ${name}`
    • A: Hi there,
    • B: Hi there, undefined
    • C: Hi there, null
    • D: ReferenceError

    82. 输出什么?

    var status = "??"
    setTimeout(() => {
      const status = "??"
      const data = {
        status: "??",
        getStatus() {
          return this.status
    }, 0)
    • A: "??" and "??"
    • B: "??" and "??"
    • C: "??" and "??"
    • D: "??" and "??"

    83. 输出什么?

    const person = {
      name: "Lydia",
      age: 21
    let city = person.city
    city = "Amsterdam"
    • A: { name: "Lydia", age: 21 }
    • B: { name: "Lydia", age: 21, city: "Amsterdam" }
    • C: { name: "Lydia", age: 21, city: undefined }
    • D: "Amsterdam"

    84. 输出什么?

    function checkAge(age) {
      if (age < 18) {
        const message = "Sorry, you're too young."
      } else {
        const message = "Yay! You're old enough!"
      return message
    • A: "Sorry, you're too young."
    • B: "Yay! You're old enough!"
    • C: ReferenceError
    • D: undefined

    85. 什么样的信息将被打印?

      .then(res => res.json())
      .then(res => console.log(res))
    • A: fetch方法的结果
    • B: 第二次调用fetch方法的结果
    • C: 前一个.then()中回调方法返回的结果
    • D: 总是undefined

    86. 哪个选项是将hasName设置为true的方法,前提是不能将true作为参数传递?

    function getName(name) {
      const hasName = //
    • A: !!name
    • B: name
    • C: new Boolean(name)
    • D: name.length

    87. 输出什么?

    console.log("I want pizza"[0])
    • A: """
    • B: "I"
    • C: SyntaxError
    • D: undefined

    88. 输出什么?

    function sum(num1, num2 = num1) {
      console.log(num1 + num2)
    • A: NaN
    • B: 20
    • C: ReferenceError
    • D: undefined

    89. 输出什么?

    // module.js 
    export default () => "Hello world"
    export const name = "Lydia"
    // index.js 
    import * as data from "./module"
    • A: { default: function default(), name: "Lydia" }
    • B: { default: function default() }
    • C: { default: "Hello world", name: "Lydia" }
    • D: Global object of module.js

    90. 输出什么?

    class Person {
      constructor(name) {
        this.name = name
    const member = new Person("John")
    console.log(typeof member)
    • A: "class"
    • B: "function"
    • C: "object"
    • D: "string"

    91. 输出什么?

    let newList = [1, 2, 3].push(4)
    • A: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    • B: [1, 2, 3, 5]
    • C: [1, 2, 3, 4]
    • D: Error

    92. 输出什么?

    function giveLydiaPizza() {
      return "Here is pizza!"
    const giveLydiaChocolate = () => "Here's chocolate... now go hit the gym already."
    • A: { constructor: ...} { constructor: ...}
    • B: {} { constructor: ...}
    • C: { constructor: ...} {}
    • D: { constructor: ...} undefined

    93. 输出什么?

    const person = {
      name: "Lydia",
      age: 21
    for (const [x, y] of Object.entries(person)) {
      console.log(x, y)
    • A: name Lydia and age 21
    • B: ["name", "Lydia"] and ["age", 21]
    • C: ["name", "age"] and undefined
    • D: Error

    94. 输出什么?

    function getItems(fruitList, ...args, favoriteFruit) {
      return [...fruitList, ...args, favoriteFruit]
    getItems(["banana", "apple"], "pear", "orange")
    • A: ["banana", "apple", "pear", "orange"]
    • B: [["banana", "apple"], "pear", "orange"]
    • C: ["banana", "apple", ["pear"], "orange"]
    • D: SyntaxError

    95. 输出什么?

    function nums(a, b) {
      (a > b)
      console.log('a is bigger')
      console.log('b is bigger')
      a + b
    console.log(nums(4, 2))
    console.log(nums(1, 2))
    • A: a is bigger, 6 and b is bigger, 3
    • B: a is bigger, undefined and b is bigger, undefined
    • C: undefined and undefined
    • D: SyntaxError

    96. 输出什么?

    class Person {
      constructor() {
        this.name = "Lydia"
    Person = class AnotherPerson {
      constructor() {
        this.name = "Sarah"
    const member = new Person()
    • A: "Lydia"
    • B: "Sarah"
    • C: Error: cannot redeclare Person
    • D: SyntaxError

    97. 输出什么?

    const info = {
      [Symbol('a')]: 'b'
    • A: {Symbol('a'): 'b'} and ["{Symbol('a')"]
    • B: {} and []
    • C: { a: "b" } and ["a"]
    • D: {Symbol('a'): 'b'} and []

    98. 输出什么?

    const getList = ([x, ...y]) => [x, y]
    const getUser = user => { name: user.name, age: user.age }
    const list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    const user = { name: "Lydia", age: 21 }
    • A: [1, [2, 3, 4]] and undefined
    • B: [1, [2, 3, 4]] and { name: "Lydia", age: 21 }
    • C: [1, 2, 3, 4] and { name: "Lydia", age: 21 }
    • D: Error and { name: "Lydia", age: 21 }

    99. 输出什么?

    const name = "Lydia"
    • A: SyntaxError
    • B: ReferenceError
    • C: TypeError
    • D: undefined

    100. 输出什么?

    // ??? This is my 100th question! ???
    const output = `${[] && 'Im'}possible!
    You should${'' && `n't`} see a therapist after so much JavaScript lol`
    • A: possible! You should see a therapist after so much JavaScript lol
    • B: Impossible! You should see a therapist after so much JavaScript lol
    • C: possible! You shouldn't see a therapist after so much JavaScript lol
    • D: Impossible! You shouldn't see a therapist after so much JavaScript lol


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jjgw/p/12307307.html
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