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  • 从多个textarea中随机选取一个内容

        <div id="IMContentTest">
            <textarea name="IMContent" class="IMClass" style="color:#ff0000;510px; height: 50px;" id="Textarea0"></textarea>
            <textarea name="IMContent" class="IMClass" style="color:#ff0000;510px; height: 50px;" id="Textarea1"></textarea><br/><br/>
            <textarea name="IMContent" class="IMClass" style="color:#ff0000;510px; height: 50px;" id="Textarea2"></textarea><br/><br/>
            <textarea name="IMContent" class="IMClass" style="color:#ff0000;510px; height: 50px;" id="Textarea3"></textarea><br/><br/>
            <textarea name="IMContent" class="IMClass" style="color:#ff0000;510px; height: 50px;" id="Textarea4"></textarea>
            var testflag = 0, t, sipaccount, fruency, count = 0, se1, se2, m = 0, h = 0, s = 0, ss = 1;
            var testcontent
            function second(showtimeTag) {
                if ((ss % 100) == 0) {
                    s += 1; ss = 1;
                if (s > 0 && (s % 60) == 0) {
                    m += 1; s = 0;
                if (m > 0 && (m % 60) == 0) {
                    h += 1; m = 0;
                document.getElementById(showtimeTag).value = h + "时" + m + "分" + s + "秒";
                ss += 1;
            var ImContentList = "";
    function getNumber() { var random = 4 * Math.random(); if (!isNaN(random) && isFinite(random)) { return parseInt(random); } } //发送消息动作 function sendmessage() { var IMContents = $(".IMClass"); $(IMContents).each(function () { if ($(this).attr("value") != undefined) ImContentList += $(this).attr("value") + ","; }); ImContentList = ImContentList.substr(0, ImContentList.length - 1); var contentlist = ImContentList.split(','); var numb = getNumber(); var content = contentlist[numb]; //document.forms[0].forms[0].elements[parseInt(5 * Math.random())].value testcontent = "[" + sip + "]" + " [ " + count + " ]" + "[ " + h + "时" + m + "分" + s + "秒" + " ] " + " " + content; count++; } //开始测试 function starttest(showtimeTag) { var time = parseInt(document.getElementById("secondText").value) * 1000; var temp1 = "second("" + showtimeTag + "")"; var temp2 = "sendmessage()"; se1 = self.setInterval(temp1, 10); se2 = self.setInterval(temp2, time); } //暂停测试 function pausetest() { window.clearInterval(se1); window.clearInterval(se2); } //停止测试 function stoptest() { window.clearInterval(se1); window.clearInterval(se2); testflag = 0; ss = 1; m = h = s = 0; document.getElementById("showtime").value = "0时0分0秒"; }
  • 相关阅读:
    eclipse启动时 failed to create the java virtual machine 解决办法
    eclipse.ini 修改默认编码为 UTF-8
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kennyliu/p/3680322.html
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