Given an integer n, generate all structurally unique BST's (binary search trees) that store values 1 ... n.
Input: 3 Output: [ [1,null,3,2], [3,2,null,1], [3,1,null,null,2], [2,1,3], [1,null,2,null,3] ] Explanation: The above output corresponds to the 5 unique BST's shown below: 1 3 3 2 1 / / / 3 2 1 1 3 2 / / 2 1 2 3
跟 [leetcode]96. Unique Binary Search Trees给定节点形成不同BST的个数 相似。
需要去查[1, n]范围内可生成的BST,如下图,
1 1 2 3 3 ... i ... n / / / / 3 2 1 3 2 1 [1,i-1] [i+1,n] / / 2 3 1 2
那么对于任意以 i 为root可生成的所有BST,根据BST的性质:
其左子树的值一定小于i,也就是[1, i - 1]区间,用helper生成list of leftList
而右子树的值一定大于i,也就是[i + 1, n]区间, 用helper生成list of rightList
最后,用root, leftList中的值,rightList中的值,三者生成BST
1 class Solution { 2 public List<TreeNode> generateTrees(int n) { 3 if(n == 0) return new ArrayList<>(); 4 return helper(1, n); // root node from 1 to n 5 } 6 7 private List<TreeNode> helper(int left, int right){ 8 List<TreeNode> result = new ArrayList<>(); 9 if(left > right){ 10 result.add (null); 11 return result; 12 } 13 for(int i = left; i <= right; i++){ 14 List<TreeNode> lefts = helper(left, i-1); 15 List<TreeNode> rights = helper(i+1, right); 16 for(TreeNode l : lefts){ 17 for(TreeNode r : rights){ 18 TreeNode root = new TreeNode(i); 19 root.left = l; 20 root.right = r; 21 result.add(root); 22 } 23 } 24 } 25 return result; 26 } 27 }