use BASKET select prd.PartID, prd.Quantity, prd.UnitRetailPrice, prd.ItemDesc, inf.orderdate into #a from Basket.dbo.BaseOrderItem prd(nolock) inner join Basket.dbo.BaseOrderTracker inf(nolock) on(prd.OrderID=inf.OrderID) where prd.SectionCode = '1' and prd.UnitRetailPrice > 0 and prd.PartType = '1' and inf.OrderDate >='2014-08-01' and inf.OrderDate <='2014-09-30' select * from #a select PartID, SUM(Quantity) as Quantity into #b from #a where OrderDate >='2014-08-01' and OrderDate <='2014-08-31' group by PartID select PartID, SUM(Quantity) as Quantity into #c from #a where OrderDate >='2014-09-01' and OrderDate <='2014-09-30' group by PartID select * from #c