14.4.1 定义类模板
typedef unsigned long Item;
class Stack
enum {MAX = 10}; // constant specific to class
Item items[MAX]; // holds stack items
int top; // index for top stack item
bool isempty() const;
bool isfull() const;
// push() returns false if stack already is full, true otherwise
bool push(const Item & item); // add item to stack
// pop() returns false if stack already is empty, true otherwise
bool pop(Item & item); // pop top into item
template <class Type>
template <typename Type> // new choice
Item items[MAX]; // holds stack items
Type items[MAX]; // holds stack items
template <class Type>
bool Stack::push(const Item & item)
template <class Type> // or template <typename Type>
bool Stack<Type>::push(const Type & item)
程序清单14.13 stacktp.h
// stacktp.h -- a stack template #ifndef STACKTP_H_ #define STACKTP_H_ template <class Type> class Stack { private: enum {MAX = 10}; // constant specific to class Type items[MAX]; // holds stack items int top; // index for top stack item public: Stack(); bool isempty(); bool isfull(); bool push(const Type & item); // add item to stack bool pop(Type & item); // pop top into item }; template <class Type> Stack<Type>::Stack() { top = 0; } template <class Type> bool Stack<Type>::isempty() { return top == 0; } template <class Type> bool Stack<Type>::isfull() { return top == MAX; } template <class Type> bool Stack<Type>::push(const Type & item) { if (top < MAX) { items[top++] = item; return true; } else return false; } template <class Type> bool Stack<Type>::pop(Type & item) { if (top > 0) { item = items[--top]; return true; } else return false; } #endif // STACKTP_H_
14.4.2 使用模板类
Stack<int> kernels; // create a stack of ints
Stack<string> colonels; // create a stack of string objects
程序清单14.14修改了原来的栈测试程序(程序清单11.12),使用字符串而不是unsigned long值作为订单ID。
程序清单14.14 stacktem.cpp
// stacktem.cpp -- testing the template stack class #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cctype> #include "stacktp.h" using std::cin; using std::cout; int main() { Stack<std::string> st; // create an empty stack char ch; std::string po; cout << "Please enter A to add a purchase order. " << "P to process a PO, or Q to quit. "; while (cin >> ch && std::toupper(ch) != 'Q') { while (cin.get() != ' ') continue; if (!std::isalpha(ch)) { cout << 'a'; continue; } switch (ch) { case 'A': case 'a': cout << "Enter a PO number to add: "; cin >> po; if (st.isfull()) cout << "stack already full "; else st.push(po); break; case 'P': case 'p': if (st.isempty()) cout << "stack already empty "; else { st.pop(po); cout << "PO #" << po << " popped "; break; } } cout << "Please enter A to add a purchase order. " << "P to process a PO, or Q to quit. "; } cout << "Bye "; return 0; }
Please enter A to add a purchase order. P to process a PO, or Q to quit. A Enter a PO number to add: moonlightpoet Please enter A to add a purchase order. P to process a PO, or Q to quit. A Enter a PO number to add: moonlit Please enter A to add a purchase order. P to process a PO, or Q to quit. P PO #moonlit popped Please enter A to add a purchase order. P to process a PO, or Q to quit. P PO #moonlightpoet popped Please enter A to add a purchase order. P to process a PO, or Q to quit. P stack already empty Please enter A to add a purchase order. P to process a PO, or Q to quit. Q Bye
template <class T, int n>
class ArrayTP
ArrayTP<double, 12> eggweights;
这将导致编译器定义名为ArrayTP<double, 12>的类,并创建一个类型为ArrayTP<double, 12>的eggweight对象。定义类时,编译器将使用double替换T,使用12替换n。
14.4.5 模板多功能性
template <typename T> // or <class T>
class Array
T entry;
template <typename Tp>
class Stack
Array<Tp> ar; // use an Array<> as a component
Array < Stack<int> > asi; // an array of stacks of int
ArrayTP < ArrayTP<int,5>, 10> twodee;
模板可以包含多个类型参数。例如,假设希望类可以保存两种值,则可以创建并使用Pair模板来保存两个不同的值(标准模板库提供了类似的模板,名为pair)。程序清单14.19所示的小程序是一个这样的示例。其中,方法first() const和second() const报告存储的值,由于这两个方法返回Pair数据成员的引用,因此让您能够通过赋值重新设置存储的值。
程序清单14.19 pairs.cpp
// pairs.cpp -- defining and using a Pair template #include <iostream> #include <string> template <class T1, class T2> class Pair { private: T1 a; T2 b; public: T1 & first(); T2 & second(); T1 first() const { return a; } T2 second() const { return b; } Pair(const T1 & aval, const T2 & bval) : a(aval), b(bval) { } Pair() {} }; template<class T1, class T2> T1 & Pair<T1,T2>::first() { return a; } template<class T1, class T2> T2 & Pair<T1,T2>::second() { return b; } int main() { using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::string; Pair<string, int> ratings[4] = { Pair<string, int>("The Purpled Duck", 5), Pair<string, int>("Jaquie's Frisco Al Fresco", 4), Pair<string, int>("Cafe Souffle", 5), Pair<string, int>("Bertie's Eats", 3) }; int joints = sizeof(ratings) / sizeof (Pair<string, int>); cout << "Rating: Eatery "; for (int i = 0; i < joints; i ++) cout << ratings[i].second() << ": " << ratings[i].first() << endl; cout << "Oops! Revised rating: "; ratings[3].first() = "Bertie's Fab Eats"; ratings[3].second() = 6; cout << ratings[3].second() << ": " << ratings[3].first() << endl; return 0; }
Rating: Eatery 5: The Purpled Duck 4: Jaquie's Frisco Al Fresco 5: Cafe Souffle 3: Bertie's Eats Oops! Revised rating: 6: Bertie's Fab Eats
template <class T1, class T2 = int> class Topo {...};
Topo<double, double> m1; // T1 is double, T2 is double
Topo<double> m2; // T1 is double, T2 is int
14.4.6 模板的具体化
*** 隐式实例化、显式实例化和显式具体化。……
14.4.7 成员模板
14.4.8 将模板用作参数
模板可以包含类型参数(如typename T)和非类型参数(如int n)。模板还可以包含本身就是模板的参数,这种参数是模板新增的特性,用于实现STL。
template <template <typename T> class Thing>
class Crab
模板参数是template <typename T> class Thing,其中template <typename T> class 是类型,Thing是参数。
14.4.9 模板类和友元
14.4.10 模板别名
template<typename T>
using arrtype = std::arrat<T,12>; // template to create multiple aliases
arrtype<double> gallons; // gallons is type std::array<double, 12>
arrtype<int> days; // days is type std::array<int, 12>
arrtype<std::string> months; // months is type std::array<std::string, 12>
typedef const char * pc1;
using pc2 = const char *;
typedef const int *(*pa1)[10];
using ps2 = const int *(*)[10];