1. 创建抽象类:Handphone

public abstract class Handphone { public abstract void Dail(); public abstract void SendMessage(); }
2. 创建抽象类:Laptop

public abstract class Laptop { public abstract void Working(); }
3. 创建具体类:AppleLaptop

public class AppleLaptop : Laptop { public override void Working() { Console.WriteLine("Working using laptop!"); } }
4. 创建适配器类:

public class AppleLatopAdapter : Handphone { //Keep the reference of Laptop Laptop laptop; public AppleLatopAdapter(Laptop laptop) { this.laptop = laptop; } public void Working() { laptop.Working(); } public override void SendMessage() { Console.WriteLine("My apple laptop can send message now!"); } public override void Dail() { Console.WriteLine("My apple laptop can dail now!"); } }
5. 客户端调用:

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { AppleLaptop laptop = new AppleLaptop(); Handphone hpAdapter = new AppleLatopAdapter(laptop); laptop.Working(); hpAdapter.Dail(); hpAdapter.SendMessage(); Console.ReadLine(); } }
1. 创建接口:Handphone

public interface Handphone { void Dail(); void SendMessage(); }
2. 创建抽象类:Laptop

public abstract class Laptop { public abstract void Working(); }
3. 创建适配器:LaptopAdapter

public class LatopAdapter : Laptop, Handphone { public void SendMessage() { Console.WriteLine("My apple laptop can send message now!"); } public void Dail() { Console.WriteLine("My apple laptop can dail now!"); } public override void Working() { Console.WriteLine("My apple laptop is working now!"); } }
4. 客户端调用:

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Handphone ltAdapter = new LatopAdapter(); ltAdapter.Dail(); ltAdapter.SendMessage(); Console.ReadLine(); } }