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  • win10下Resin安装--入门(1)












      <resin xmlns="http://caucho.com/ns/resin" xmlns:resin="http://caucho.com/ns/resin/core">
      <!-- adds all .jar files under the resin/lib directory (加载 resin/lib 下的所有.jar文件) -->
        <tree-loader path="${resin.home}/ext-lib"/>
        <tree-loader path="${resin.root}/ext-lib"/>
        <tree-loader path="${resin.home}/lib"/>
        <tree-loader path="${resin.root}/lib"/>
    <span id="more-321"></span>
      <!--Management configuration Remote management requires at least one enabled admin user.(管理配置,需要一个管理员用户)-->
      <management path="${resin.root}/admin">
        <user name="admin" password="password" disable="true"/>
        <resin:if test="${resin.professional}">
      <!--Logging configuration for the JDK logging API.(JDK日志配置)-->
      <log name="" level="info" path="stdout:"
           timestamp="[%H:%M:%S.%s] {%{thread}} "/>
      <!-- 'info' for production 'fine' or 'finer' for development and troubleshooting (日志信息级别:info生产环境 fine和finer适合开发环境和调试环境)-->
      <logger name="com.caucho" level="info"/>
      <logger name="com.caucho.java" level="config"/>
      <logger name="com.caucho.loader" level="config"/>
      <!--For production sites, change dependency-check-interval to something like 600s, so it only checks for updates every 10 minutes.(环境依赖检查时间,生产系统设置长点,600s 10分钟)-->
      <!-- SMTP server for sending mail notifications (SMTP服务器配置)-->
      <system-property mail.smtp.host=""/>
      <system-property mail.smtp.port="25"/>
      <!-- Sets the default character encoding to utf-8 <character-encoding>utf-8</character-encoding> (默认字符集为 utf-8 ) -->
      <!-- You can change the compiler to "javac", "eclipse" or "internal".(你可以把编译器改成 javac、eclipse 或 internal)-->
      <javac compiler="internal" args="-source 1.5"/>
      <!-- Security providers. <security-provider> com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider </security-provider> (SSL 安全)-->
      <!-- Uncomment to use Resin's XML implementations
         - <system-property javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory
         -                 ="com.caucho.xml.parsers.XmlDocumentBuilderFactory"/>
         - <system-property javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory
         -                 ="com.caucho.xml.parsers.XmlSAXParserFactory"/>
      <cluster id="app-tier">
        <!-- sets the content root for the cluster, relative to server.root  (设置集群的根目录)-->
          <!-- The http port (http服务的端口)-->
          <http address="*" port="8080"/>
          <!-- SSL port configuration:
             - <http address="*" port="8443">
             -   <openssl>
             -     <certificate-file>keys/gryffindor.crt</certificate-file>
             -     <certificate-key-file>keys/gryffindor.key</certificate-key-file>
             -     <password>test123</password>
             -   </openssl>
             - </http>  (SSL配置)
          <!-- The JVM arguments (JVM参数设置)-->
          <!-- Uncomment to enable admin heap dumps  (去掉注释 你可以自己管理内存堆)
     - <jvm-arg>-agentlib:resin</jvm-arg> -->
          <!-- arguments for the watchdog process (配置watchdog)-->
          <!-- Configures the minimum free memory allowed before Resin will force a restart.(配置resin强制重启时的最小空闲内存)-->
          <!-- Maximum number of threads.(最大线程数量) -->
          <!-- Configures the socket timeout (套接字超时时间) -->
          <!-- Configures the keepalive (keepalive 的最大链接数和keepalive的超时时间)-->
             - If starting bin/resin as root on Unix, specify the user name
             - and group name for the web server user.(使用unix系统时 启动resin的用户和组)
             - <user-name>resin</user-name>
             - <group-name>resin</group-name>
        <!-- define the servers in the cluster  (定义集群服务器)-->
        <server id="" address="" port="6800"/>
        <!-- Configures the persistent store for single-server or clustered in Resin professional.(配置独立或集群的持久化存储,专业版功能) -->
        <resin:if test="${resin.professional}">
          <persistent-store type="cluster">
            <init path="session"/>
        <!-- For security, use a different cookie for SSL sessions.(为了安全 你可以为SSL会话定义一个不同的cookie)
           - <ssl-session-cookie>SSL_JSESSIONID</ssl-session-cookie>
        <!-- Enables the cache (available in Resin Professional) (缓存功能启用, Professional功能)-->
        <resin:if test="${resin.professional}">
          <cache path="cache" memory-size="64M">
            <!-- Vary header rewriting for IE -->
        <!-- Enables periodic checking of the server status and check for deadlocks.. All servers can add <url>s to be checked. (可以定期检查服务器的状态和死锁检查..所有服务器都可以添加的<url> s的检查  Professional功能 )-->
        <resin:if test="${resin.professional}">
            <!-- <url>http://localhost:8080/test-ping.jsp</url> -->
        <!-- Defaults applied to each web-app.(默认web程序)-->
            <!-- Extension library for common jar files.  The ext is safe
               - even for non-classloader aware jars.  The loaded classes
               - will be loaded separately for each web-app, i.e. the class
               - itself will be distinct. (扩展库的公共jar文件,扩展是安全的即使没有类装载器知道的jars,装载的类将为每个应用分别装载,也就是这些类都是不同的)
              <tree-loader path="${resin.root}/ext-webapp-lib"/>
            <!-- Enable EL expressions in Servlet and Filter init-param ()-->
          <!-- Sets timeout values for cacheable pages, e.g. static pages (设置缓存、静态页面的数值。)-->
          <cache-mapping url-pattern="/" expires="5s"/>
          <cache-mapping url-pattern="*.gif" expires="60s"/>
          <cache-mapping url-pattern="*.jpg" expires="60s"/>
          <cache-mapping url-pattern="*.png" expires="60s"/>
          <!-- for security, disable session URLs by default. (安全的原因,默认禁用了会话的URL) -->
          <!-- For security, set the HttpOnly flag in cookies.(安全原因,在cokkies中设置 HttpOnly标记 防止跨站攻击)
             - <cookie-http-only/>
          <!-- Some JSP packages have incorrect .tld files.  It's possible to set validate-taglib-schema to false to work around these packages. (一些JSP包有不正确的。TLD文件。它可以设置validate-taglib-schema为false来变通解决这些包。使其可以正常工作) -->
        <!-- includes the app-default for default web-app behavior (导入用于默认网络应用程序的行为违约) -->
        <resin:import path="${resin.home}/conf/app-default.xml"/>
        <!-- Sample database pool configuration The JDBC name is java:comp/env/jdbc/test (简单的数据池配置)
               <driver type="org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver">
        <!-- Default host configuration applied to all virtual hosts.(定义所有虚拟主机的默认配置) -->
          <!-- With another web server, like Apache, this can be commented out because the web server will log this information.(如果和别的 web服务器整合,这个可以被去掉,因为web服务器也可以记录这些信息)-->
          <access-log path="logs/access.log"
                format='%h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b "%{Referer}i" "%{User-Agent}i"'
          <!-- creates the webapps directory for .war expansion  (.war文件的目录)-->
          <web-app-deploy path="webapps"/>
          <!-- creates the deploy directory for .ear expansion (.ear文件的目录)-->
          <ear-deploy path="deploy">
          <!-- creates the deploy directory for .rar expansion (.rar文件目录)-->
          <resource-deploy path="deploy"/>
        <!-- configures a deployment directory for virtual hosts (虚拟主机的目录)-->
        <host-deploy path="hosts">
            <resin:import path="host.xml" optional="true"/>
        <!-- configures the default host, matching any host name (默认虚拟主机配置)-->
        <host id="" root-directory=".">
          <!-- configures an explicit root web-app matching the webapp's ROOT (默认的虚拟主机配置) -->
          <web-app id="/" root-directory="webapps/ROOT"/>
          <web-app id="/resin-admin" root-directory="${resin.home}/php/admin">
            <!-- Administration application /resin-admin (管理应用程序 /resin-admin) -->
              <resin:set var="resin_admin_external" value="false"/>
              <resin:set var="resin_admin_insecure" value="true"/>
      <!-- Configuration for the web-tier/load-balancer (配置为Web层/负载平衡器)-->
      <resin:if test="${resin.professional}">
        <cluster id="web-tier">
            <!-- The http port -->
            <http address="*" port="9080"/>
          <server id="web-a" address="" port="6700"/>
          <cache path="cache" memory-size="64M"/>
          <host id="">
            <web-app id="/">
                 <load-balance regexp="" cluster="app-tier"/>


    学着把生活的苦酒当成饮料一样慢慢品尝, 不论生命经过多少委屈和艰辛, 我们总是以一个朝气蓬勃的面孔, 醒来在每一个早上。
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yhm9/p/10673362.html
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