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  • client_v2.go

    package nsqd

    import (


    const defaultBufferSize = 16 * 1024

    const (
        stateInit = iota

    type identifyDataV2 struct {
        ShortID string `json:"short_id"` // TODO: deprecated, remove in 1.0
        LongID  string `json:"long_id"`  // TODO: deprecated, remove in 1.0

        ClientID            string `json:"client_id"`
        Hostname            string `json:"hostname"`
        HeartbeatInterval   int    `json:"heartbeat_interval"`
        OutputBufferSize    int    `json:"output_buffer_size"`
        OutputBufferTimeout int    `json:"output_buffer_timeout"`
        FeatureNegotiation  bool   `json:"feature_negotiation"`
        TLSv1               bool   `json:"tls_v1"`
        Deflate             bool   `json:"deflate"`
        DeflateLevel        int    `json:"deflate_level"`
        Snappy              bool   `json:"snappy"`
        SampleRate          int32  `json:"sample_rate"`
        UserAgent           string `json:"user_agent"`
        MsgTimeout          int    `json:"msg_timeout"`

    type identifyEvent struct {
        OutputBufferTimeout time.Duration
        HeartbeatInterval   time.Duration
        SampleRate          int32
        MsgTimeout          time.Duration

    type clientV2 struct {
        // 64bit atomic vars need to be first for proper alignment on 32bit platforms
        ReadyCount    int64
        InFlightCount int64
        MessageCount  uint64
        FinishCount   uint64
        RequeueCount  uint64

        writeLock sync.RWMutex
        metaLock  sync.RWMutex

        ID        int64
        ctx       *context
        UserAgent string

        // original connection

        // connections based on negotiated features
        tlsConn     *tls.Conn
        flateWriter *flate.Writer

        // reading/writing interfaces
        Reader *bufio.Reader
        Writer *bufio.Writer

        OutputBufferSize    int
        OutputBufferTimeout time.Duration

        HeartbeatInterval time.Duration

        MsgTimeout time.Duration

        State          int32
        ConnectTime    time.Time
        Channel        *Channel
        ReadyStateChan chan int
        ExitChan       chan int

        ClientID string
        Hostname string

        SampleRate int32

        IdentifyEventChan chan identifyEvent
        SubEventChan      chan *Channel

        TLS     int32
        Snappy  int32
        Deflate int32

        // re-usable buffer for reading the 4-byte lengths off the wire
        lenBuf   [4]byte
        lenSlice []byte

        AuthSecret string
        AuthState  *auth.State

    func newClientV2(id int64, conn net.Conn, ctx *context) *clientV2 {
        var identifier string
        if conn != nil {
            identifier, _, _ = net.SplitHostPort(conn.RemoteAddr().String())

        c := &clientV2{
            ID:  id,
            ctx: ctx,

            Conn: conn,

            Reader: bufio.NewReaderSize(conn, defaultBufferSize),
            Writer: bufio.NewWriterSize(conn, defaultBufferSize),

            OutputBufferSize:    defaultBufferSize,
            OutputBufferTimeout: 250 * time.Millisecond,

            MsgTimeout: ctx.nsqd.getOpts().MsgTimeout,

            // ReadyStateChan has a buffer of 1 to guarantee that in the event
            // there is a race the state update is not lost
            ReadyStateChan: make(chan int, 1),
            ExitChan:       make(chan int),
            ConnectTime:    time.Now(),
            State:          stateInit,

            ClientID: identifier,
            Hostname: identifier,

            SubEventChan:      make(chan *Channel, 1),
            IdentifyEventChan: make(chan identifyEvent, 1),

            // heartbeats are client configurable but default to 30s
            HeartbeatInterval: ctx.nsqd.getOpts().ClientTimeout / 2,
        c.lenSlice = c.lenBuf[:]
        return c

    func (c *clientV2) String() string {
        return c.RemoteAddr().String()

    func (c *clientV2) Identify(data identifyDataV2) error {
        c.ctx.nsqd.logf("[%s] IDENTIFY: %+v", c, data)

        // TODO: for backwards compatibility, remove in 1.0
        hostname := data.Hostname
        if hostname == "" {
            hostname = data.LongID
        // TODO: for backwards compatibility, remove in 1.0
        clientID := data.ClientID
        if clientID == "" {
            clientID = data.ShortID

        c.ClientID = clientID
        c.Hostname = hostname
        c.UserAgent = data.UserAgent

        err := c.SetHeartbeatInterval(data.HeartbeatInterval)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        err = c.SetOutputBufferSize(data.OutputBufferSize)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        err = c.SetOutputBufferTimeout(data.OutputBufferTimeout)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        err = c.SetSampleRate(data.SampleRate)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        err = c.SetMsgTimeout(data.MsgTimeout)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        ie := identifyEvent{
            OutputBufferTimeout: c.OutputBufferTimeout,
            HeartbeatInterval:   c.HeartbeatInterval,
            SampleRate:          c.SampleRate,
            MsgTimeout:          c.MsgTimeout,

        // update the client's message pump
        select {
        case c.IdentifyEventChan <- ie:

        return nil

    func (c *clientV2) Stats() ClientStats {
        // TODO: deprecated, remove in 1.0
        name := c.ClientID

        clientID := c.ClientID
        hostname := c.Hostname
        userAgent := c.UserAgent
        var identity string
        var identityURL string
        if c.AuthState != nil {
            identity = c.AuthState.Identity
            identityURL = c.AuthState.IdentityURL
        stats := ClientStats{
            // TODO: deprecated, remove in 1.0
            Name: name,

            Version:         "V2",
            RemoteAddress:   c.RemoteAddr().String(),
            ClientID:        clientID,
            Hostname:        hostname,
            UserAgent:       userAgent,
            State:           atomic.LoadInt32(&c.State),
            ReadyCount:      atomic.LoadInt64(&c.ReadyCount),
            InFlightCount:   atomic.LoadInt64(&c.InFlightCount),
            MessageCount:    atomic.LoadUint64(&c.MessageCount),
            FinishCount:     atomic.LoadUint64(&c.FinishCount),
            RequeueCount:    atomic.LoadUint64(&c.RequeueCount),
            ConnectTime:     c.ConnectTime.Unix(),
            SampleRate:      atomic.LoadInt32(&c.SampleRate),
            TLS:             atomic.LoadInt32(&c.TLS) == 1,
            Deflate:         atomic.LoadInt32(&c.Deflate) == 1,
            Snappy:          atomic.LoadInt32(&c.Snappy) == 1,
            Authed:          c.HasAuthorizations(),
            AuthIdentity:    identity,
            AuthIdentityURL: identityURL,
        if stats.TLS {
            p := prettyConnectionState{c.tlsConn.ConnectionState()}
            stats.CipherSuite = p.GetCipherSuite()
            stats.TLSVersion = p.GetVersion()
            stats.TLSNegotiatedProtocol = p.NegotiatedProtocol
            stats.TLSNegotiatedProtocolIsMutual = p.NegotiatedProtocolIsMutual
        return stats

    // struct to convert from integers to the human readable strings
    type prettyConnectionState struct {

    func (p *prettyConnectionState) GetCipherSuite() string {
        switch p.CipherSuite {
        case tls.TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA:
            return "TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA"
        case tls.TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA:
            return "TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA"
        case tls.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA:
            return "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA"
        case tls.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA:
            return "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA"
        case tls.TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA:
            return "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA"
        case tls.TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA:
            return "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA"
        case tls.TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA:
            return "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA"
        case tls.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA:
            return "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA"
            return "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA"
        case tls.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA:
            return "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA"
        case tls.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA:
            return "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA"
        case tls.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256:
            return "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256"
        case tls.TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256:
            return "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256"
        return fmt.Sprintf("Unknown %d", p.CipherSuite)

    func (p *prettyConnectionState) GetVersion() string {
        switch p.Version {
        case tls.VersionSSL30:
            return "SSL30"
        case tls.VersionTLS10:
            return "TLS1.0"
        case tls.VersionTLS11:
            return "TLS1.1"
        case tls.VersionTLS12:
            return "TLS1.2"
            return fmt.Sprintf("Unknown %d", p.Version)

    func (c *clientV2) IsReadyForMessages() bool {
        if c.Channel.IsPaused() {
            return false

        readyCount := atomic.LoadInt64(&c.ReadyCount)
        inFlightCount := atomic.LoadInt64(&c.InFlightCount)

        if c.ctx.nsqd.getOpts().Verbose {
            c.ctx.nsqd.logf("[%s] state rdy: %4d inflt: %4d",
                c, readyCount, inFlightCount)

        if inFlightCount >= readyCount || readyCount <= 0 {
            return false

        return true

    func (c *clientV2) SetReadyCount(count int64) {
        atomic.StoreInt64(&c.ReadyCount, count)

    func (c *clientV2) tryUpdateReadyState() {
        // you can always *try* to write to ReadyStateChan because in the cases
        // where you cannot the message pump loop would have iterated anyway.
        // the atomic integer operations guarantee correctness of the value.
        select {
        case c.ReadyStateChan <- 1:

    func (c *clientV2) FinishedMessage() {
        atomic.AddUint64(&c.FinishCount, 1)
        atomic.AddInt64(&c.InFlightCount, -1)

    func (c *clientV2) Empty() {
        atomic.StoreInt64(&c.InFlightCount, 0)

    func (c *clientV2) SendingMessage() {
        atomic.AddInt64(&c.InFlightCount, 1)
        atomic.AddUint64(&c.MessageCount, 1)

    func (c *clientV2) TimedOutMessage() {
        atomic.AddInt64(&c.InFlightCount, -1)

    func (c *clientV2) RequeuedMessage() {
        atomic.AddUint64(&c.RequeueCount, 1)
        atomic.AddInt64(&c.InFlightCount, -1)

    func (c *clientV2) StartClose() {
        // Force the client into ready 0
        // mark this client as closing
        atomic.StoreInt32(&c.State, stateClosing)

    func (c *clientV2) Pause() {

    func (c *clientV2) UnPause() {

    func (c *clientV2) SetHeartbeatInterval(desiredInterval int) error {
        defer c.writeLock.Unlock()

        switch {
        case desiredInterval == -1:
            c.HeartbeatInterval = 0
        case desiredInterval == 0:
            // do nothing (use default)
        case desiredInterval >= 1000 &&
            desiredInterval <= int(c.ctx.nsqd.getOpts().MaxHeartbeatInterval/time.Millisecond):
            c.HeartbeatInterval = time.Duration(desiredInterval) * time.Millisecond
            return fmt.Errorf("heartbeat interval (%d) is invalid", desiredInterval)

        return nil

    func (c *clientV2) SetOutputBufferSize(desiredSize int) error {
        var size int

        switch {
        case desiredSize == -1:
            // effectively no buffer (every write will go directly to the wrapped net.Conn)
            size = 1
        case desiredSize == 0:
            // do nothing (use default)
        case desiredSize >= 64 && desiredSize <= int(c.ctx.nsqd.getOpts().MaxOutputBufferSize):
            size = desiredSize
            return fmt.Errorf("output buffer size (%d) is invalid", desiredSize)

        if size > 0 {
            defer c.writeLock.Unlock()
            c.OutputBufferSize = size
            err := c.Writer.Flush()
            if err != nil {
                return err
            c.Writer = bufio.NewWriterSize(c.Conn, size)

        return nil

    func (c *clientV2) SetOutputBufferTimeout(desiredTimeout int) error {
        defer c.writeLock.Unlock()

        switch {
        case desiredTimeout == -1:
            c.OutputBufferTimeout = 0
        case desiredTimeout == 0:
            // do nothing (use default)
        case desiredTimeout >= 1 &&
            desiredTimeout <= int(c.ctx.nsqd.getOpts().MaxOutputBufferTimeout/time.Millisecond):
            c.OutputBufferTimeout = time.Duration(desiredTimeout) * time.Millisecond
            return fmt.Errorf("output buffer timeout (%d) is invalid", desiredTimeout)

        return nil

    func (c *clientV2) SetSampleRate(sampleRate int32) error {
        if sampleRate < 0 || sampleRate > 99 {
            return fmt.Errorf("sample rate (%d) is invalid", sampleRate)
        atomic.StoreInt32(&c.SampleRate, sampleRate)
        return nil

    func (c *clientV2) SetMsgTimeout(msgTimeout int) error {
        defer c.writeLock.Unlock()

        switch {
        case msgTimeout == 0:
            // do nothing (use default)
        case msgTimeout >= 1000 &&
            msgTimeout <= int(c.ctx.nsqd.getOpts().MaxMsgTimeout/time.Millisecond):
            c.MsgTimeout = time.Duration(msgTimeout) * time.Millisecond
            return fmt.Errorf("msg timeout (%d) is invalid", msgTimeout)

        return nil

    func (c *clientV2) UpgradeTLS() error {
        defer c.writeLock.Unlock()

        tlsConn := tls.Server(c.Conn, c.ctx.nsqd.tlsConfig)
        tlsConn.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(5 * time.Second))
        err := tlsConn.Handshake()
        if err != nil {
            return err
        c.tlsConn = tlsConn

        c.Reader = bufio.NewReaderSize(c.tlsConn, defaultBufferSize)
        c.Writer = bufio.NewWriterSize(c.tlsConn, c.OutputBufferSize)

        atomic.StoreInt32(&c.TLS, 1)

        return nil

    func (c *clientV2) UpgradeDeflate(level int) error {
        defer c.writeLock.Unlock()

        conn := c.Conn
        if c.tlsConn != nil {
            conn = c.tlsConn

        c.Reader = bufio.NewReaderSize(flate.NewReader(conn), defaultBufferSize)

        fw, _ := flate.NewWriter(conn, level)
        c.flateWriter = fw
        c.Writer = bufio.NewWriterSize(fw, c.OutputBufferSize)

        atomic.StoreInt32(&c.Deflate, 1)

        return nil

    func (c *clientV2) UpgradeSnappy() error {
        defer c.writeLock.Unlock()

        conn := c.Conn
        if c.tlsConn != nil {
            conn = c.tlsConn

        c.Reader = bufio.NewReaderSize(snappystream.NewReader(conn, snappystream.SkipVerifyChecksum), defaultBufferSize)
        c.Writer = bufio.NewWriterSize(snappystream.NewWriter(conn), c.OutputBufferSize)

        atomic.StoreInt32(&c.Snappy, 1)

        return nil

    func (c *clientV2) Flush() error {
        var zeroTime time.Time
        if c.HeartbeatInterval > 0 {
        } else {

        err := c.Writer.Flush()
        if err != nil {
            return err

        if c.flateWriter != nil {
            return c.flateWriter.Flush()

        return nil

    func (c *clientV2) QueryAuthd() error {
        remoteIP, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(c.String())
        if err != nil {
            return err

        tls := atomic.LoadInt32(&c.TLS) == 1
        tlsEnabled := "false"
        if tls {
            tlsEnabled = "true"

        authState, err := auth.QueryAnyAuthd(c.ctx.nsqd.getOpts().AuthHTTPAddresses,
            remoteIP, tlsEnabled, c.AuthSecret, c.ctx.nsqd.getOpts().HTTPClientConnectTimeout,
        if err != nil {
            return err
        c.AuthState = authState
        return nil

    func (c *clientV2) Auth(secret string) error {
        c.AuthSecret = secret
        return c.QueryAuthd()

    func (c *clientV2) IsAuthorized(topic, channel string) (bool, error) {
        if c.AuthState == nil {
            return false, nil
        if c.AuthState.IsExpired() {
            err := c.QueryAuthd()
            if err != nil {
                return false, err
        if c.AuthState.IsAllowed(topic, channel) {
            return true, nil
        return false, nil

    func (c *clientV2) HasAuthorizations() bool {
        if c.AuthState != nil {
            return len(c.AuthState.Authorizations) != 0
        return false

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhangboyu/p/7457261.html
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