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  • (OK)(OK) docker-(centos-quagga-ospf-mdr)--NS3--MANET

    ./seem-tools-CLI-semi-auto.sh create 25 0 centos-manet android-x86-6.0-rc1-
    ./seem-tools-CLI-semi-auto.sh destroy 25 0 centos-manet android-x86-6.0-rc1-

    ./seem-tools-CLI-semi-auto.sh create 0 2 centos-manet android-x86-6.0-rc1-
    ./seem-tools-CLI-semi-auto.sh destroy 0 2 centos-manet android-x86-6.0-rc1-

    ./seem-tools-CLI-semi-auto.sh create 2 2 centos-manet android-x86-6.0-rc1-
    ./seem-tools-CLI-semi-auto.sh destroy 2 2 centos-manet android-x86-6.0-rc1-


    [root@localhost ns-3.25]#

    ./waf --run scratch/dsdv-manet --vis
    ./waf --run "wifi-simple-adhoc-grid --help"
    ./waf --run wifi-simple-adhoc-grid --vis

    install docker-centos-quagga-ospf-mdr
    docker search centos
    docker pull centos
    docker images

    docker run --privileged -it --rm centos /bin/bash

    [root@52ded645306a quagga]# cat /etc/redhat-release
    CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)

    [root@c429860ee03f /]#

    // dnf groupinstall "Development Tools"
    yum install nmap-ncat gcc gcc-c++ make autoconf automake ccache tar libtool readline-devel texinfo net-tools less which

    // docker run --privileged -it --rm --net='none' --name "docker_1" centos
    // docker run --privileged -it --rm --name batman -dp 8787:8787 centos

    www.nrl.navy.mil —— OSPF MANET Designated Routers (OSPF-MDR) Implementation
    wget http://downloads.pf.itd.nrl.navy.mil/ospf-manet/nightly_snapshots/quagga-svnsnap.tgz
    iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 12123 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -D INPUT -p tcp --dport 12123 -j ACCEPT
    nc -l 12123 < quagga-svnsnap.tgz
    nc -n 12123 > quagga-svnsnap.tgz

    root@cd2cc1b26be3:~/quagga# ls ..
    quagga  quagga-mtr  quagga-svnsnap.tgz
    root@cd2cc1b26be3:~/quagga# pwd

    // root@cd2cc1b26be3:~/quagga# ./update-autotools
    // root@cd2cc1b26be3:~/quagga# aclocal -I m4 --install


    ./configure --enable-user=root --enable-group=root --enable-vtysh --with-cflags=-ggdb

    Quagga configuration
    quagga version          : 0.99.21mr2.2-dev
    host operating system   : linux-gnu
    source code location    : .
    compiler                : gcc
    compiler flags          : -ggdb
    C++ compiler            : g++
    C++ compiler flags      : -ggdb
    make                    : make
    includes                :  
    linker flags            :  -lcrypt   -lrt   -ltermcap -lreadline -lm
    state file directory    : /var/run
    config file directory   : /usr/local/etc
    example directory       : /usr/local/etc
    user to run as        : root
    group to run as        : root
    group for vty sockets    :
    config file mask        : 0600
    log file mask           : 0600
    generic netlink         : no
      (support for RFC 4938 link metrics)
    make install

    cd /usr/local/etc/
    cp ospf6d.conf.sample ospf6d.conf
    cp zebra.conf.sample zebra.conf

    vi ospf6d.conf
    interface eth0
     ipv6 ospf6 priority 1
     ipv6 ospf6 transmit-delay 1
     ipv6 ospf6 ifmtu 1500
     ipv6 ospf6 cost 1
     ipv6 ospf6 hello-interval 2
     ipv6 ospf6 dead-interval 6
     ipv6 ospf6 retransmit-interval 5
     ipv6 ospf6 network manet-designated-router
     ipv6 ospf6 ackinterval 1800
     ipv6 ospf6 backupwaitinterval 2000
     ipv6 ospf6 twohoprefresh 3
     ipv6 ospf6 hellorepeatcount 3
     ipv6 ospf6 adjacencyconnectivity biconnected
     ipv6 ospf6 lsafullness mdrfulllsa
     ipv6 ospf6 flood-delay 100
    router ospf6
     instance-id 65
    ! router-id (Note: Each node is not the same) (line 21)
     interface eth0 area
     protocol-traffic-class 184
     redistribute ospf
     redistribute connected

    zebra -d
    ospf6d -d
    > show ipv6 ospf6 route
    > show ip route
    > show ipv6 route
    > exit

    route add reject
    route -n
    route del reject

    the following commands are not used,
    the function is implemented by commands (docker exec) in seem-tools-CLI-semi-auto.sh
    vi /root/manet.sh
    /usr/bin/sleep 10
    /usr/local/sbin/zebra -d &>/dev/null
    /usr/local/sbin/ospf6d -d &>/dev/null

    chmod +x /root/manet.sh
    echo /root/manet.sh >> /etc/bashrc


    // Saving the Image
    docker ps -a
    docker commit 6e72ccd59f18 centos-manet


    docker run --privileged -it --rm centos-manet /bin/bash
    docker run --privileged -it --rm --name "docker_1" centos-manet /bin/bash
    docker run --privileged -it --rm --net='none' --name "docker_1" centos-manet /bin/bash

    docker run --privileged -it -d --name "docker_1" centos-manet
    docker ps -a
    docker attach docker_1
    docker stop docker_1
    docker rm docker_1

    docker ps
    docker rmi 2c067614b89f

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    翻译:ZooKeeper OverView
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ztguang/p/12646320.html
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