Palindrome graph
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 2118 Accepted Submission(s): 664Problem DescriptionIn addition fond of programing, Jack also loves painting. He likes to draw many interesting graphics on the paper.
One day,Jack found a new interesting graph called Palindrome graph. No matter how many times to flip or rotate 90 degrees, the palindrome graph are always unchanged.
Jack took a paper with n*n grid and K kinds of pigments.Some of the grid has been filled with color and can not be modified.Jack want to know:how many ways can he paint a palindrome graph?InputThere are several test cases.
For each test case,there are three integer n m k(0<n<=10000,0<=m<=2000,0<k<=1000000), indicate n*n grid and k kinds of pigments.
Then follow m lines,for each line,there are 2 integer i,j.indicated that grid(i,j) (0<=i,j<n) has been filled with color.
You can suppose that jack have at least one way to paint a palindrome graph.OutputFor each case,print a integer in a line,indicate the number of ways jack can paint. The result can be very large, so print the result modulo 100 000 007.Sample Input3 0 24 2 31 13 1Sample Output83
1 #include<iostream>
2 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
3 #define MOD 100000007
4 using namespace std;
5 //map < pair <int ,int > ,int > mp; 既可以用mp来找,也可以用数组。测试表明,map内存开销更小
6 bool a[5050][5050]; //由于内存限制,数组开1/4大小就行
7 int cnt=0;
8 int quick_pow(int k,int x){
9 long long ans=1,base=k;
10 while(x!=0){
11 if(x&1==1){
12 ans=(ans*base)%MOD;
13 }
14 base=(base*base)%MOD;
15 x>>=1;
16 }
17 return (int)ans%MOD;
18 }
19 void change(int x,int y,int n){ //投影到同一区域
20 if(x>n-1-x){
21 x=n-1-x;
22 }
23 if(y>n-1-y){
24 y=n-1-y;
25 }
26 if(x>y){ //翻转操作
27 swap(x,y);
28 }
29 if(a[x][y]==0){
30 cnt++;
31 a[x][y]=1;
32 }
33 }
34 int main(){
35 int n,m,k;
36 while(scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&m,&k)!=EOF){
37 cnt=0;
38 //mp.clear();
39 memset(a,0,sizeof(a));
40 while(m--){
41 int x,y;
42 scanf("%d%d",&x,&y);
43 change(x,y,n);
44 }
45 int sum=0;
46 if(n%2==0){
47 sum=((1+n/2)*(n/2))/2;
48 }else{
49 sum=((1+(n+1)/2)*((n+1)/2))/2;
50 }
51 cout<<quick_pow(k,sum-cnt)<<endl;
52 }
53 return 0;
54 }