这种特殊的内存“泄漏”源于一个奇特的行为,在Flash中构建其他字符串的字符串实际上并不拥有一份原始字符串的字符。相反,它们有一个“主字符串”字段引用原始字符串中的字符。在调试版本的Flash Player,你可以看到“主字符串”使用flash.sampler.getMasterString的内容。请看下面的例子:
1 var str:String = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV".substr(0,2);
2 trace(str + " has master string " + flash.sampler.getMasterString(str));
3 // output: AB has master string ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV
1 var xml:XML = new XML(
2 '<people><person first="John"/><person first="Mary"/></people>'
3 );
4 xmlJohn = xml.person[0].@first;
5 trace(xmlJohn + " has master string " + flash.sampler.getMasterString(xmlJohn));
6 // output: John has master string <people><person first="John"/><person first="Mary"/></people>
1 var json:Object = JSON.parse(
2 '{"people":[{"first":"John"},{"first":"Mary"}]}'
3 );
4 jsonJohn = json.people[0].first;
5 trace(jsonJohn + " has master string " + flash.sampler.getMasterString(jsonJohn));
6 // output: John has master string null
所以,你会如何清理XML文件里中的所有主字符串负担?为了解决这个问题,我创建了一个修改字符串的静态函数就能够使Flash Player清除主字符串。随意用在自己的项目中:
1 /**
2 * Replace a string's "master string"-- the string it was built from-- with a single
3 * character to save memory.
4 * @param str String to clean
5 * @return The input string, but with a master string only one character larger than it
6 * @author JacksonDunstan.com/articles/2260
7 */
8 public static function cleanMasterString(str:String): String
9 {
10 return ("_"+str).substr(1);
11 }
字符串 用了这个函数后将被简化为“_John”.
最后,我创建了一个简单的示例程序,以测试XML,JSON字符串使用上述函数清理XML中的字符串。你需要一个调试版本的Flash Player来运行它,因为它使用flash.sampler.getMasterString。
原文链接: 如何修复XML内存“泄漏”