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  • June 25th 2017 Week 26th Sunday

    There is always that one song that brings back old memories.


    There are seveal songs that I love very much.

    When I hear them, their melodies and lyrics often bring me back to my old days, the lost youth, the incredible pain and sufferings of the past, the seemingly endless failures...

    It is said that when a man can't have the time, the only thing he can do is not to forget.

    I won't forget the dreams of the happy journeies, the mountains and the fields I have seen, I won't forget those dreams that I will never achieve.

    Actually now I know there may be no more hope in my life, I still expect there will be some good things in the comming days, I just wait, wait a little movement, wait a little voice.

    Maybe I should utterly discard those negative memories, however, without some sort of spiritual energy or peace or karma, it's very difficult to close those memories and move on without feelings of bitterness and resentment.

    Maybe I should be more confident and optimistic, because no one likes a jaded, world-weary person.

    If a thing isn't worth saying, you sing it.


    From Pierre Beaumarchais.

    Today, I have reviewed several confusing concepts about array and pointer, both of them are very common and important built-in datatype of C/C++.

    One is array pointer, the other is pointer of array.

    Actually I think it is understandable for a greenhad who just starts to learn progrmming for a few days to feel confused about these concepts, but for one who have programmed for many years, it is inexcusable to make mistakes on them.

    Just like my last interview in Tencent, the interviewee pointed at the mistakes on my paper and said in a disdainful tone:

    I don't believe that a man, who pretends to have several years of experience on programming, would make mistakes on so easy questions.

    At that moment, I felt unlimited humiliations.

    That is not what I want to be, I can't make others feel disappointed any longer, I must strengthen those basic skills, and I expect I can deliver some satisfying outcomes to those who still have expectation on me.

    There are too many feelings I can't write down, sometimes maybe it is a good way to sing out them in my own heart.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dengwenwu/p/7487530.html
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