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  • vmware 开机自动启动

    vmware开机自动启动, 可以使用vmrun命令.

    1. 首先在“我的电脑”-“属性”-“高级”-“环境变量”-“PATH”中添加vmware路径,如:C:Program Files (x86)VMwareVMware Workstation

    2. 新建一个“启动vmware.bat”文件,输入如下批处理:

    @echo off
    vmrun.exe -T ws start "你的虚拟机.vmx文件路径" nogui

     3. 保存, 运行该批处理, 如果该虚拟机没有启动, 则可以在后台启动, nogui参数表示不显示界面, 如果想显示界面可以改为gui.


    vmrun version 1.13.1 build-1379776
    These must appear before the command and any command parameters.
       -h <hostName>  (not needed for Workstation)
       -P <hostPort>  (not needed for Workstation)
       -T <hostType> (ws|server|server1|fusion|esx|vc|player)
         for example, use '-T server' for Server 2.0
                      use '-T server1' for Server 1.0
                      use '-T ws' for VMware Workstation
                      use '-T ws-shared' for VMware Workstation (shared mode)
                      use '-T esx' for VMware ESX
                      use '-T vc' for VMware vCenter Server
       -u <userName in host OS>  (not needed for Workstation)
       -p <password in host OS>  (not needed for Workstation)
       -vp <password for encrypted virtual machine>
       -gu <userName in guest OS>
       -gp <password in guest OS>
    --------------           ----------           -----------
    start                    Path to vmx file     Start a VM or Team
    stop                     Path to vmx file     Stop a VM or Team
    reset                    Path to vmx file     Reset a VM or Team
    suspend                  Path to vmx file     Suspend a VM or Team
    pause                    Path to vmx file     Pause a VM
    unpause                  Path to vmx file     Unpause a VM
    -----------------        ----------           -----------
    listSnapshots            Path to vmx file     List all snapshots in a VM
    snapshot                 Path to vmx file     Create a snapshot of a VM
                             Snapshot name
    deleteSnapshot           Path to vmx file     Remove a snapshot from a VM
                             Snapshot name
    revertToSnapshot         Path to vmx file     Set VM state to a snapshot
                             Snapshot name
    -----------------        ----------           -----------
    runProgramInGuest        Path to vmx file     Run a program in Guest OS
                             [Program arguments]
    fileExistsInGuest        Path to vmx file     Check if a file exists in Guest OS
                             Path to file in guest
    directoryExistsInGuest   Path to vmx file     Check if a directory exists in Guest OS
                             Path to directory in guest
    setSharedFolderState     Path to vmx file     Modify a Host-Guest shared folder
                             Share name
                             Host path
                             writable | readonly
    addSharedFolder          Path to vmx file     Add a Host-Guest shared folder
                             Share name
                             New host path
    removeSharedFolder       Path to vmx file     Remove a Host-Guest shared folder
                             Share name
    enableSharedFolders      Path to vmx file     Enable shared folders in Guest
    disableSharedFolders     Path to vmx file     Disable shared folders in Guest
    listProcessesInGuest     Path to vmx file     List running processes in Guest OS
    killProcessInGuest       Path to vmx file     Kill a process in Guest OS
                             process id
    runScriptInGuest         Path to vmx file     Run a script in Guest OS
                             Interpreter path
                             Script text
    deleteFileInGuest        Path to vmx file     Delete a file in Guest OS
    Path in guest            
    createDirectoryInGuest   Path to vmx file     Create a directory in Guest OS
    Directory path in guest  
    deleteDirectoryInGuest   Path to vmx file     Delete a directory in Guest OS
    Directory path in guest  
    CreateTempfileInGuest    Path to vmx file     Create a temporary file in Guest OS
    listDirectoryInGuest     Path to vmx file     List a directory in Guest OS
                             Directory path in guest
    CopyFileFromHostToGuest  Path to vmx file     Copy a file from host OS to guest OS
    Path on host             Path in guest
    CopyFileFromGuestToHost  Path to vmx file     Copy a file from guest OS to host OS
    Path in guest            Path on host
    renameFileInGuest        Path to vmx file     Rename a file in Guest OS
                             Original name
                             New name
    captureScreen            Path to vmx file     Capture the screen of the VM to a local file
    Path on host             
    writeVariable            Path to vmx file     Write a variable in the VM state
                             variable name
                             variable value
    readVariable             Path to vmx file     Read a variable in the VM state
                             variable name
    getGuestIPAddress        Path to vmx file     Gets the IP address of the guest
    ---------------          ----------           -----------
    vprobeVersion            Path to vmx file     List VP version
    vprobeLoad               Path to vmx file     Load VP script
                             'VP script text'
    vprobeLoadFile           Path to vmx file     Load VP file
                             Path to VP file
    vprobeReset              Path to vmx file     Disable all vprobes
    vprobeListProbes         Path to vmx file     List probes
    vprobeListGlobals        Path to vmx file     List global variables
    ----------------         ----------           -----------
    list                                          List all running VMs
    upgradevm                Path to vmx file     Upgrade VM file format, virtual hw
    installTools             Path to vmx file     Install Tools in Guest
    checkToolsState          Path to vmx file     Check the current Tools state
    register                 Path to vmx file     Register a VM
    unregister               Path to vmx file     Unregister a VM
    listRegisteredVM                              List registered VMs
    deleteVM                 Path to vmx file     Delete a VM
    clone                    Path to vmx file     Create a copy of the VM
                             Path to destination vmx file
                             [-snapshot=Snapshot Name]
    Starting a virtual machine with Workstation on a Windows host
       vmrun -T ws start "c:my VMsmyVM.vmx"
    Stopping a virtual machine on an ESX host
       vmrun -T esx -h https://myHost.com/sdk -u hostUser -p hostPassword stop "[storage1] vm/myVM.vmx"
    Running a program in a virtual machine with Workstation on a Windows host with Windows guest
       vmrun -T ws -gu guestUser -gp guestPassword runProgramInGuest "c:my VMsmyVM.vmx" "c:Program FilesmyProgram.exe"
    Running a program in a virtual machine with Server on a Linux host with Linux guest
       vmrun -T server -h https://myHost.com:8333/sdk -u hostUser -p hostPassword -gu guestUser -gp guestPassword runProgramInGuest "[standard] vm/myVM.vmx" /usr/bin/X11/xclock -display :0
    Creating a snapshot of a virtual machine with Workstation on a Windows host
       vmrun -T ws snapshot "c:my VMsmyVM.vmx" mySnapshot
    Reverting to a snapshot with Workstation on a Windows host
       vmrun -T ws revertToSnapshot "c:my VMsmyVM.vmx" mySnapshot
    Deleting a snapshot with Workstation on a Windows host
       vmrun -T ws deleteSnapshot "c:my VMsmyVM.vmx" mySnapshot
    Enabling Shared Folders with Workstation on a Windows host
       vmrun -T ws enableSharedFolders "c:my VMsmyVM.vmx"
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/eecjimmy/p/4895910.html
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