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  • 18.10.22 POJ 1177 Picture(线段树+离散化+二分)


    A number of rectangular posters, photographs and other pictures of the same shape are pasted on a wall. Their sides are all vertical or horizontal. Each rectangle can be partially or totally covered by the others. The length of the boundary of the union of all rectangles is called the perimeter.

    Write a program to calculate the perimeter. An example with 7 rectangles is shown in Figure 1.

    The corresponding boundary is the whole set of line segments drawn in Figure 2.

    The vertices of all rectangles have integer coordinates.输入Your program is to read from standard input. The first line contains the number of rectangles pasted on the wall. In each of the subsequent lines, one can find the integer coordinates of the lower left vertex and the upper right vertex of each rectangle. The values of those coordinates are given as ordered pairs consisting of an x-coordinate followed by a y-coordinate.

    0 <= number of rectangles < 5000
    All coordinates are in the range [-10000,10000] and any existing rectangle has a positive area.输出Your program is to write to standard output. The output must contain a single line with a non-negative integer which corresponds to the perimeter for the input rectangles.样例输入

    -15 0 5 10
    -5 8 20 25
    15 -4 24 14
    0 -6 16 4
    2 15 10 22
    30 10 36 20
    34 0 40 16




    IOI 1998

      1 #include <iostream>
      2 #include <string.h>
      3 #include <algorithm>
      4 #include <stack>
      5 #include <string>
      6 #include <math.h>
      7 #include <queue>
      8 #include <stdio.h>
      9 #include <string.h>
     10 #include <vector>
     11 #include <fstream>
     12 #include <set>
     13 #include<map>
     14 #define l(rt) rt*2
     15 #define r(rt) rt*2+1
     16 #define mid(l,r) (l+r)/2
     18 using namespace std;
     20 const int maxn = 5005;
     21 struct node {
     22     int l, r;
     23     int len;//本区间有多长被矩形覆盖
     24     int block;
     25     bool cl, cr;
     26     int cover;
     27 }tree[maxn*8];
     28 struct cline {
     29     int x, y1, y2;
     30     bool left;
     31     bool operator <(cline a) {
     32         if (x == a.x)
     33             return left > a.left;
     34         return x < a.x;
     35     }
     36 }line[maxn*2];
     37 int n,col[maxn*2];
     39 void build(int rt, int l, int r) {
     40     tree[rt].l = l, tree[rt].r = r;
     41     tree[rt].cover = 0,tree[rt].len=0;
     42     tree[rt].block = 0, tree[rt].cl = tree[rt].cr = false;
     43     if (l == r)return;
     44     build(r(rt), mid(l, r) + 1, r);
     45     build(l(rt), l, mid(l, r));
     46 }
     48 void insert(int rt, int l, int r) {
     49     if (tree[rt].l == l && tree[rt].r == r) {
     50         tree[rt].cover++;
     51         tree[rt].len = col[r + 1] - col[l];
     52         tree[rt].block = 1, tree[rt].cl = tree[rt].cr = true;
     53         return;
     54     }
     55     int midn = mid(tree[rt].l, tree[rt].r);
     56     if (l > midn)
     57         insert(r(rt), l, r);
     58     else if (r <= midn)
     59         insert(l(rt), l, r);
     60     else {
     61         insert(l(rt), l, midn);
     62         insert(r(rt), midn + 1, r);
     63     }
     64     if (tree[rt].cover == 0)
     65     {
     66         tree[rt].len = tree[l(rt)].len + tree[r(rt)].len;
     67         tree[rt].cl = tree[l(rt)].cl;
     68         tree[rt].cr = tree[r(rt)].cr;
     69         tree[rt].block = tree[l(rt)].block + tree[r(rt)].block - tree[l(rt)].cr*tree[r(rt)].cl;
     70     }
     71     return;
     72 }
     74 void Delete(int rt, int l, int r) {
     75     if (tree[rt].l == l && tree[rt].r == r) {
     76         tree[rt].cover--;
     77         if (tree[rt].cover == 0) {
     78             if (l == r)
     79             {
     80                 tree[rt].len = 0;
     81                 tree[rt].block = 0;
     82                 tree[rt].cl = tree[rt].cr = false;
     83             }
     84             else
     85             {
     86                 tree[rt].len = tree[l(rt)].len + tree[r(rt)].len;
     87                 tree[rt].cl = tree[l(rt)].cl;
     88                 tree[rt].cr = tree[r(rt)].cr;
     89                 tree[rt].block = tree[l(rt)].block + tree[r(rt)].block - tree[l(rt)].cr*tree[r(rt)].cl;
     90             }
     91         }
     92         return;
     93     }
     94     int midn = mid(tree[rt].l, tree[rt].r);
     95     if (l > midn)
     96         Delete(r(rt), l, r);
     97     else if (r <= midn)
     98         Delete(l(rt), l, r);
     99     else
    100         Delete(l(rt), l, midn), Delete(r(rt), midn + 1, r);
    101     if (tree[rt].cover == 0)
    102     {
    103         tree[rt].len = tree[l(rt)].len + tree[r(rt)].len;
    104         tree[rt].cl = tree[l(rt)].cl;
    105         tree[rt].cr = tree[r(rt)].cr;
    106         tree[rt].block = tree[l(rt)].block + tree[r(rt)].block - tree[l(rt)].cr*tree[r(rt)].cl;
    107     }
    108     return;
    109 }
    111 int binary_find(int s, int e, int val) {
    112     while (s < e) {
    113         int x = s + (e - s) / 2;
    114         if (col[x] >= val)e = x;
    115         else s = x + 1;
    116     }
    117     return s;
    118 }
    120 void init() {
    121     scanf("%d", &n);
    122     int yc, lc;
    123     yc=lc = 0;
    124     for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    125         int x1, x2, y1, y2;
    126         scanf("%d%d%d%d", &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
    127         col[++yc] = y1, col[++yc] = y2;;
    128         line[++lc].x = x1, line[lc].y1 = y1, line[lc].y2 = y2, line[lc].left = true;
    129         line[++lc].x = x2, line[lc].y1 = y1, line[lc].y2 = y2, line[lc].left = false;
    130     }
    131     sort(col + 1, col + yc+1);
    132     yc = unique(col + 1, col + yc + 1) - col - 1;//横线yc条
    133     sort(line + 1, line + 1 + lc);
    134     build(1, 1, yc - 1);
    135     int prec = 0,nowc,ans=0;
    136     for (int i = 1; i <= lc; i++) {
    137         int l = binary_find(1, yc+1, line[i].y1);
    138         int r = binary_find(1, yc+1, line[i].y2)-1;
    139         if (line[i].left)insert(1, l, r);
    140         else Delete(1, l, r);
    141         nowc=tree[1].len;
    142         ans += abs(nowc - prec);
    143         if(i!=lc)
    144             ans+=(tree[1].block * 2 * (line[i + 1].x - line[i].x));
    145         prec = nowc;
    146     }
    147     printf("%d
    ", ans);
    148 }
    150 int main()
    151 {
    152     init();
    153     return 0;
    154 }
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    还有就是周长的算法变为了:竖线长度和每次需要加上的值是现在 tree[1].len 的值减去上次扫描时同名元素的值(也就是新出现的裸露的线段的值)

    注定失败的战争,也要拼尽全力去打赢它; 就算输,也要输得足够漂亮。
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yalphait/p/9832490.html
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