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  • 检测IIS应用程序池对象 回收


    function RecycleYourAppPool([string] $poolName){


    Import-Module WebAdministration


    #获取所有Application Pools


    Write-Host '开始回收IIS应用程序池...'$poolName


    $appPool =ls IIS:apppools |Where-Object{$_.name -eq $poolName}






    [Powershell] 检查IIS设置

    $script:OutMessage = "ok"
    function WriteLog([string]  $content){
        #Write-Host $content
        $script:OutMessage += $content + "`r`n"
    Import-Module WebAdministration
    #获取所有Application Pools
    WriteLog "开始检查IIS应用程序池..."
    Get-ChildItem IIS:apppools | ForEach-Object{
        $appPoolName =  $_.Name
        WriteLog("开始检查应用程序池: " + $_.name)
        $appPool = $_
        $RecyclingTime = $appPool.recycling.periodicRestart.time.TotalMinutes
        WriteLog ("--自动回收周期(Minutes):" + $RecyclingTime)
        $identityType = $appPool.processModel.identityType
        WriteLog("--账号类型:" + $identityType)
        $userName = $appPool.processModel.userName
        WriteLog("--用户:" + $userName)
        #$password = $appPool.processModel.password
        $LogEventOnRecycle = $appPool.recycling.logEventOnRecycle
        WriteLog("--LogEventOnRecycle:"+ $LogEventOnRecycle)
        #把Idle Timeout设为0
        $IdleTimeout = $appPool.processModel.idleTimeout
        WriteLog("--IdleTimeout:"+ $IdleTimeout)
        $maxProcesses = $appPool.processModel.maxProcesses
        WriteLog("--maxProcesses:"+ $maxProcesses)
        WriteLog (" ")
    WriteLog "开始检查IIS网站..."
    Get-ChildItem IIS:Sites | ForEach-Object{
        $site = $_
        WriteLog ("开始检查站点: " + $site.name)
        WriteLog ("--是否开启IISLOG:" + $site.logFile.enabled)
        WriteLog ("--日志字段:" + $site.logFile.logExtFileFlags)
        WriteLog ("--日志存放路径:" + $site.logFile.directory)
        WriteLog ("--日志文件大小:" + $site.logFile.truncateSize)
        WriteLog (" ")
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/micro-chen/p/6042917.html
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