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  • Binary Tree Divide Conquer & Traverse

    902. Kth Smallest Element in a BST


    public class Solution {
         * @param root: the given BST
         * @param k: the given k
         * @return: the kth smallest element in BST
        public int kthSmallest(TreeNode root, int k) {
            // write your code here
            Map<TreeNode, Integer> numOfChildren = new HashMap<>();
            countNodes(root, numOfChildren);
            return quickSelectOnTree(numOfChildren, k, root);
        public int countNodes(TreeNode root, Map<TreeNode, Integer> numOfChildren) {
            if(root == null) {
                return 0;
            int left = countNodes(root.left, numOfChildren);
            int right = countNodes(root.right, numOfChildren);
            numOfChildren.put(root, left + right + 1);
            return left + right + 1;
        public int quickSelectOnTree(Map<TreeNode, Integer> numOfChildren, int k, TreeNode root) {
            if(root == null) {
                return -1;
            int left = root.left == null ? 0 : numOfChildren.get(root.left);
            if(left >= k) {
                return quickSelectOnTree(numOfChildren, k, root.left);
            if(left + 1 == k) {
                return root.val;
            return quickSelectOnTree(numOfChildren, k - left - 1, root.right);

    578. Lowest Common Ancestor III


     * Definition of TreeNode:
     * public class TreeNode {
     *     public int val;
     *     public TreeNode left, right;
     *     public TreeNode(int val) {
     *         this.val = val;
     *         this.left = this.right = null;
     *     }
     * }
    class ResultType {
        public boolean a_exist, b_exist;
        public TreeNode node;
        ResultType(boolean a, boolean b, TreeNode n) {
            a_exist = a;
            b_exist = b;
            node = n;
    public class Solution {
         * @param root: The root of the binary tree.
         * @param A: A TreeNode
         * @param B: A TreeNode
         * @return: Return the LCA of the two nodes.
        public TreeNode lowestCommonAncestor3(TreeNode root, TreeNode A, TreeNode B) {
            // write your code here
            ResultType rt = helper(root, A, B);
            if(rt.a_exist && rt.b_exist) {
                return rt.node;
            } else {
                return null;
        public ResultType helper(TreeNode root, TreeNode A, TreeNode B) {
            if(root == null) {
                return new ResultType(false, false, null);
            ResultType left_rt = helper(root.left, A, B);
            ResultType right_rt = helper(root.right, A, B);
            boolean a_exist = left_rt.a_exist || right_rt.a_exist || root == A;
            boolean b_exist = left_rt.b_exist || right_rt.b_exist || root == B;
            if(root == A || root == B) {
                return new ResultType(a_exist, b_exist, root);
            if(left_rt.node != null && right_rt.node != null) {
                return new ResultType(a_exist, b_exist, root);
            if(left_rt.node != null) {
                return new ResultType(a_exist, b_exist, left_rt.node);
            if(right_rt.node != null) {
                return new ResultType(a_exist, b_exist, right_rt.node);
            return new ResultType(a_exist, b_exist, null);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jenna/p/10921321.html
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